
Search results

  1. 'homework'

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Doing a prep for my next appointment with my psychiatrist (probably going to reschedule the one for April 11th to an earlier date). Thinking about the future and words I associate ...

    - 2016/03/08 - 10:23am

  2. 'tis the season... for shopping

    Author:  Blogger Donna T's blog Blog About:  Shopping / Clothes / Shoes / Hair / Makeup The shopping season Christmas and Valentine’s Day are two times a year to easily shop for your alter ego with no questions and minimal apprehension. Take advantag ...

    - 2016/12/22 - 8:34am - 6 comments

  3. "All The King's Horses"

    Omega girl's blog Author:  Blogger Caution:  CAUTION CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  CAUTION Well, I'm not registered over at Whateley (on purpose) so I can't comment there. And even if I could, it wouldn't do the reader any good, due t ...

    - 2016/04/03 - 10:25am - 2 comments

  4. 112...___...

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I really don't need to start 2016 of with throwing things like mug around and boxing at walls... Need to get calm and back down from being angry /frustrated/... Heck don' ...

    - 2016/01/02 - 2:35am - 4 comments

  5. 112...___... (2)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well reading "The ties that bind" and, to put it blunt, pissed me of. so that I needed to shake it of. Not, to be to the point, that I hate it or that am angry at it. Jus ...

    - 2016/01/05 - 12:23am - 1 comment

  6. 2016

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing is of course here to stay for a while and rather than make plans for my writing we'll just have to see how it pans out. My biggest problem, having a job and othe ...

    - 2016/01/11 - 11:47pm - 1 comment

  7. 2016-01 (2) Exams

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well one worry less for the moment. My results for the first semester are 70%, 80% and 80%. So 2 B's and 1 C isn't bad when I didn't study more then 8 hours total (f ...

    - 2016/02/09 - 9:39am - 1 comment

  8. 2016-01 Exams, bikes and stuff

    MissHellsdottir's blog Author:  Blogger Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  2016 Well my exams are over and now I'm just waiting on the points. Think I got everything but I won't know before the 29th. Head 's cleare ...

    - 2016/01/25 - 9:13pm

  9. 2016-02 (2)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical *sigh* My psychiatrist reprimanded me in the last session about me turning into a hikkikomori (my term, not hers). and today I put my FB-account on inactive:(. been heading back to ...

    - 2016/02/18 - 10:34pm - 3 comments

  10. 2016-02 (3)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I made it to school with only about 4 hours sleep.*yeuh* ...

    - 2016/02/21 - 11:50am - 2 comments

  11. 2016-02 Had the "PC" today

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Okay as I said in a previous blog, I had my day before the retirement commission (Pensioen Commissie > PC). No surprise I got the decision for medical retirem ...

    - 2016/02/09 - 9:39am - 2 comments

  12. 2016-03 (01)

    MissHellsdottir's blog Author:  Blogger Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  Autobiographical It's still not completely official due to red tape (still 3 or 4 steps left but the effect will be redated to March first) but here I am on the first day of ...

    - 2016/03/02 - 2:41pm

  13. 2016-04 (1)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Well the amount of pension I'll receive has been approved as well as the first date of payment (end of April for April, backpayment of March somewhere in May). It's around what I estimated. So good (n ...

    - 2016/04/17 - 1:38pm - 1 comment

  14. 2016-04 (2)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Received my first pension payment yesterday. After the standard bills (mortgage, elec/water, internet/phone, pets,...) I got about 155 a month for food and medical left. Can't ...

    - 2016/05/03 - 10:09am

  15. 2016-05

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Had my appointment with my psychiatrist today and walk away holding a box with 2 red diagonal bars on it. Wich will hold me for 20 days so way longer then the exams I'll be ta ...

    - 2016/05/11 - 2:05pm

  16. 2016-05 (2) Pride and stuff

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Today is the annual Belgian Pride (or 'Roze Zaterdag' ('Pink Saterday") for my generation and older > few namechanges for the event over the years). The focu ...

    - 2016/05/19 - 9:40am

  17. 2016-06 (2)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical As I said in a previous post, my exams are finished. Don't have anything on paper about before the results before 15h55 next Monday but it seems I passed all exams. Lets hope ...

    - 2016/06/26 - 12:22am - 1 comment

  18. 2016-06 (3)

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I went on a bit of a foodbinge the last few days... *sighs* ...

    - 2016/06/28 - 3:20pm - 3 comments

  19. 2016-06 (4) results

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well it seems I'm going on to the second year at the start of September. Results are 76% (Maintenance and Repair), 83%,(Networktechnology) 90% (Basic Network theory) and 91% ( ...

    - 2016/07/02 - 6:58am

  20. 2016-06 Exams and stuff

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh;)) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh:D) Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash ...

    - 2016/06/21 - 5:31pm - 5 comments
