
Search results

  1. An article on intersex children

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine The attached link is from quite a long article about intersex children and how they are and were treated in the UK. Sadly it sounds as if things still have a long way to go though in ...

    - 2016/07/07 - 5:02pm - 1 comment

  2. Question re. the COGIATI test.

    Author:  Blogger MonaLisa's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine Hello! Tried to find this question in the forums but failed. I am thinking of making use of the COGIATI test in my newest story, which takes place in the 1980s. The character begins t ...

    - 2016/07/24 - 4:01am - 18 comments