
Search results

  1. A different gender binary

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine There has been a lot of discussion going around about the gender binary and whether or not it exist. I think binaries are extremely useful, it keeps things down to simplistic ch ...

    - 2015/10/07 - 11:23am - 12 comments

  2. A Different Kind of Life

    Author:  K.T. Leone Caution:  CAUTION Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Character Age:  Child Publication:  Novel > 40,000 words Genre:  Transgender Transitioning TG Themes:  Accidental TG Elements:  Childhood Other Keywords:  Strong Emotional Sc ...

    - 2015/10/02 - 7:33am

  3. A great weight lifted

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Finally, I see a crack of dawn, the early light that promises a new day is coming. The last three years have been agony on me as I lived daily in fear that my life was going to be e ...

    - 2015/03/23 - 12:36pm - 6 comments

  4. A slight personal victory and a goodbye

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog I don't know whether it is the weight or the constant attacks, but I've become quite the recluse. I hardly go out. I save the shopping for Felix, I don't to church any more, and I almost didn' ...

    - 2015/05/26 - 9:45pm - 2 comments

  5. A small treat for Unreachable fans

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Since I am posting Worth Fighting For, I figured that enough time has gone by that a repost of Unreachable might be a good idea to remind everyone where Desiree h ...

    - 2015/05/20 - 10:56pm

  6. A thought- maybe it should be a Meme.

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing ********** If you want to be accepted; live an ordinary life, conform to the roles that society expects of you, color within the lines and appeal to the greatest ...

    - 2015/01/22 - 11:22pm - 3 comments

  7. A worthless piece of poo makes it right

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Thursday, I rolled over in bed and on top of Felix's laptop. I then proceeded to move it further out of my way with my knee. Long story short, I cracked the screen. I felt bad. ...

    - 2015/01/29 - 1:00pm - 3 comments

  8. An even stranger dream

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog last night I had the weirdest dream: I dreamed that I was a robot who was piloting my real human body. I would watch what I was doing on the screen and run the controls. Then a female robot came in and was helpi ...

    - 2015/01/26 - 9:47pm - 4 comments

  9. Another Woe is Me post

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Not exactly. I'm tired of being defeated. It's not my personality. I don't expect life to give me anything I don't earn and I don't expect things to come ea ...

    - 2015/06/20 - 8:22am - 4 comments

  10. Answers to the bathroom debate

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections In reference to the great bathroom debate. I keep hearing people say that transgender people need to use the restroom that corresponds to their anato ...

    - 2015/10/11 - 4:46pm - 16 comments

  11. Bathroom solutions a.k.a. Flushgate

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Humor / Jokes / Cuteness I think I figured out what the outcome of the great bathroom debate will be (to be referred to as Flushgate from here on out). In the future there will be a wall of doors le ...

    - 2015/03/15 - 4:32pm - 13 comments

  12. Bathroom Wars

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Protests / Boycotts / Activism Bathroom issues are making the news. People want to ban transgender folks from using the potty of their chosen gender. I don't know where the transgender leadersh ...

    - 2015/02/26 - 8:46am - 4 comments

  13. Born this way- a rant

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Normally I don't cross post between here and Facebook, but I thought this warranted an exception ...

    - 2015/11/11 - 11:01am - 4 comments

  14. Brand New Release on Amazon

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I am pleased to announce my first satirical attempt. Introducing, for your reading pleasure: Flushgate: UNCOVERING THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD O ...

    - 2015/03/25 - 9:15pm - 1 comment

  15. Bullying is uncool

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Transgender people have it rough when it comes to finding love and acceptance. They are often marginalized, trivialized, or victimized. It is a shame that transge ...

    - 2015/05/11 - 8:56pm - 18 comments

  16. Bumper sticker or t-shirt

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Humor / Jokes / Cuteness I would like to see the following on a t-shirt or a billboard: If you think that I am weird and you are not, then not only are you weird, but you're stupid too. #LoveOu ...

    - 2015/03/09 - 8:08am - 2 comments

  17. Exciting news- really friggin big

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical For those who don't know, I'm fat. I mean really, really fat. I used to be fat when I was in high school, but I'm way beyond that now. When I won districts my senior ...

    - 2015/05/06 - 11:41pm - 6 comments

  18. Flushgate: Uncovering The Transgender Agenda of Taking Over the World One Bathroom at a Time

    K.T. Leone General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Transgender College / Twenties Real World Satire Posted by author(s) Flushgate UNCOVERING THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD ONE BATHROOM AT A TIME KATIE LEONE There is a new ...

    - 2015/04/29 - 1:54pm - 1 comment

  19. For Abuse Survivors

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog Though Focus on the Family may not be transgender friendly yet, they do give great advice on some areas of life. I make it a habit of listening to them every morning, even though they are off on some issues. I t ...

    - 2015/05/06 - 9:03pm - 1 comment

  20. Gender Hypocrisy

    Author:  K.T. Leone Katie Leone's blog The only time we define being a man or being a woman by genitalia is when that man or woman is transgender. Think about it? When you ask a person what's it mean to be a man, having a penis doesn't even ...

    - 2015/09/04 - 5:22am - 5 comments
