
Search results

  1. Abuse or not?

    I recently had an interesting epiphany; deciding that my being dressed and living as a girl until age 5 was fun and I liked it! At the time, it was a profound disappointment that I was being called a boy since I just knew that I was like my sister and mom ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  2. Pre-pubescent Transgender children

    Here is an interesting link about children who identify as the oposite sex before puberty. Hopefully, this will be the next big step in care for us. Many Docs agree that if a child is identified that early, they can develop a much more feminine frame and ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  3. A little computer help please?

    So, I have been wanting two monitors run off the same computer for a while, and yesterday went to Best Buy to see if they had a vid card that would do that. Well, according to them, I already have one in my computer. They sold me a HDMI cable, and the old ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 13 comments

  4. Is someone wanting to kill me?

    So, this morning I was reading on this site and I had an interuption. I had to leave and I forgot to get off the internet. When I got back a few hours later and sat down at the computer, I spun the track ball and the computer woke up to a funeral home on ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  5. Statistical story analysis

    It would be interesting to see an Exell style graphic representation of the stories on BCTS. It would not need to mention names or titles, but it would be interesting to see number of votes, reads, and comments on one axis and perhaps the time on the othe ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 9 comments

  6. Swan Song

    I wrote this story probably in 2000 and published it in 2001 on Storysite. At the time, I don't think I had any idea where life would take me; certainly not to transition. It is true, and short. This really did happen to me. Swan Song by: Credence Br ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:43am - 11 comments

  7. Life Change

    By in large, I have had a good time here; though I know that I emoted far too strongly at times. Hurt more than I thought it was posible at the time, I am gratified to have found a place to vent it. Every one of my stories were from my heart,honest and bl ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 10 comments