
Search results

  1. Taralynn's Crew Shift

    What's up? For those who enjoy TG Sci-fi adventure Taralynn has finished her Crew Shift story. It could almost be a Star Trek episode but takes place in a universe all of Taralynn's own. There is even some Art work attached. My personal rating f ...

    - 2007/05/31 - 9:21pm

  2. Dizzy spells

    I collapsed and could barely lift my head for about half an hour, so writing took a back seat. I was in bed until about an hour ago. I don't think I'll get Episode 7 out today, but I'll likely get it and Episode 8 both out tomorrow... Sorry ...

    - 2007/05/31 - 10:44pm - 2 comments

  3. Perception

    Don't Read this unless you've read Being Christina Chase Chapters 1- 11 or unless you like spoilers! ...

    - 2007/06/01 - 2:29pm - 2 comments

  4. Part IV!

    Part IV of Echoes will be up soon, following a quick re-re-re-readthrough and a few minor changes to try and make it seem a bit less whiny. With any luck, I'll have it up by Wednesday or Friday! If anybody wants to read through it and maybe give me i ...

    - 2007/06/02 - 5:50pm - 1 comment

  5. Be Afraid

    Author:  Arcie Emm Arcie Emm's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Be Very Afraid For there may be more of them! ...

    - 2007/06/02 - 11:49pm - 9 comments

  6. Ultimatum

    Hi all I posted a story this morning named "Ultimatum" that I later took down. I believe that it needed more context to make it understandable. I am working on a companion piece that I more than likely will use Ultimatum as the preface for. Sorr ...

    - 2007/06/07 - 8:33am - 2 comments

  7. Taking the afternoon off

    I've got lots to do. But I'm going to go get in the car with my laptop and go for a ride. I may stop somewhere and get online to see that things are okay. I may do some writing. I may drive to the coast or up to the mountains or out to the deser ...

    - 2007/06/10 - 9:14pm - 4 comments

  8. Fair warning

    Since I started posting Leeway, I've somehow managed to get a new installment ready consistently each Saturday morning. I'm afraid that's going to change going forward. I've come to the end of the chapters I had already written when I ...

    - 2007/06/09 - 6:59pm - 9 comments

  9. New vistas?

    Everyone's on edge at the Nick B household (both of us. The cat doesn't seem to understand or care) today after I got news of a possible new job in the same neck of the woods as Kristina LS. That'd be weird since she lives half a world away ...

    - 2007/06/12 - 9:41am - 7 comments

  10. Wedding speculation...

    Well I'm afraid to say that I have had to put that on hold as we can't agree who's going to be the bride. I'm not going into this in an argument situation and as it is, there are already going to be far too many bridesmaids. As if the ...

    - 2007/06/14 - 1:19am - 2 comments

  11. The desire to submit

    I have been looking at some of my work and deciding how my personality molds my own stories to reflect a part of me. I had often thought that a professional could write on almost any subject and make a success of it. I, on the other hand write about my in ...

    - 2007/06/17 - 1:13pm - 7 comments

  12. Where are the Amazon Updates???

    Not so much a question for me as an answer for anyone asking the question themselves. I've had a few e-mails asking where the next part is and thought some explanation was in order. John in Wauwatosa has alluded to what's happening, but my famil ...

    - 2007/06/18 - 4:48pm - 6 comments

  13. Sk8r Grrls delayed

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Due to illness again. Yeah... illness is a nice, safe way to describe it without giving mental images that everyone would regret... ...

    - 2007/06/19 - 1:58pm - 4 comments

  14. Sk8r Update

    Hrm. Thought I posted this earlier, guess I forgot to hit "Submit" Sk8r Grrls 10 will be on the site no later than Sunday afternoon-- I have a LOT of projects in the works right now, and 4 days of being sick has screwed them all up! I will have ...

    - 2007/06/21 - 2:35am - 2 comments

  15. Child in Texas accident is TG?

    Author:  Karen J. Taylor Karen J's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Crossdressing Child I don't know how many saw this story in the news a couple of days ago, this is an AP story from Yahoo: ...

    - 2016/08/13 - 7:31pm - 3 comments

  16. Seeing Stars

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) stars ratings I've removed the star rating system because of abusive behavior by three BC members. ...

    - 2007/06/22 - 11:25am - 39 comments

  17. Start of a story

    Author:  Heather Rose Brown Heather Rose Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Mature Subjects (pg15) FPI-- Frilly Pantied Investigator Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown Recently, my unpredictable muse presented me with an interesting concept for ...

    - 2007/06/23 - 11:58am

  18. No wonder it was so crowded

    I just had to share this. I went by our local Home Depot this evening. On the way out I saw their sign advertising their upcoming 4th of July sale. It said: Don't miss out on huge savings! Get a bang for your buck! For some reason I kept hearing  ...

    - 2007/06/23 - 8:05pm - 2 comments

  19. Some folks are just Unlucky, some are Clumsy... and then there's me

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I was constantly beating the odds of bad things happening, in my first 20 years. So much so, that I had the reputation of being the clumsiest person in town. ...

    - 2007/06/25 - 3:10pm - 7 comments

  20. Famous Quotes

    I recently read a story that had a lot of quotes as the heading of the chapters. Also I've noticed a number of quotes coming with a review. What are your favorite quotes? Some of mine: "I know G_d created the Heaven and Earth. I'm just tryi ...

    - 2007/06/26 - 7:08pm - 22 comments
