Nuuan's blog

Summer's over

Summer is officially over, while for most people summer is a time for fun and many outdoor activities. For myself summer is very close to a living nightmare as they change our schedule to a 4 ten hour day work week. I'm told this save hundreds of thousands of dollars not having light, air conditioning, etc running for that one day each week.

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August Contest: Alternate August - Deadline TONIGHT!

As a writer I am constantly asking myself, “What if?” So what if we lived in a society that had completely different values and taboos?

How about an alternate society where homosexuality was the norm and someone that found themselves attracted to the opposite sex was considered to have a very bad mental problem? What if that person was forced to be treated for being mentally deviant? What if they are forced to go through a sex change so their body now reflects their sexual preference?


The next part of super soldier is finally posted!

As I have stated a few times, I do apologize for the long intermission between posts. Real life has become quite intense and left me little time to devote to my passion of writing. I can see light at the end of the tunnel, but that light is at least another two months away.

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Project: Super Solider Delayed

I am sorry to say that there will not be a new posting of Super soldier tonight. Things have gotten heated up at work causing less time for writing therefore taking me more time to complete the story. But not to worry the story has been plotted and will continue, just not at the rate that I would like. Part 6 is in the works and I will post it as soon as it is ready :)

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