Bike 3400

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Blog About: 

I asked my readers if they wanted to me to continue writing and posting Bike. The response was unanimous, they did, so I have obliged them.

Who'd have thought that 16 years ago, when I decided to write about my experiences of being caught cycling in a thunderstorm, and instead of a blog I fictionalised them and Bike was born. The experience had been incredibly visceral, the huge drops of rain stinging as they hit my body, the sense that every part of me was soaking wet in a couple of minutes, the road disappeared under a river of water and five or ten minutes later the sun came out and I became aware of the pad in my cycling shorts chafing, my cycling shoes were full of water and I felt very uncomfortable and very vulnerable. Cycling on busy roads is dangerous enough in broad daylight, in a storm, motorists can't see because of the volume of rain but many don't reduce their speed - why, I don't know.

Anyway, I have posted a new edition of Bike, number 3400, the longest short story in the world, including some things which are contemporary. I hope that you enjoy and please continue to support this site and donate to Erin's fund, or buy lots of books from the Doppler Press. There is a new one of Bike being published soon, please buy it - all funds go to the site (not me) and tell others to buy it too. Help us keep this site going, it's too important to the transgender community to lose.

Best wishes to all,

Angharad (and Whizz).



Podracer's picture

And many thanks for continuing, Ang.

"Reach for the sun."


Maddy Bell's picture

so say all of us!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I binged bike during the pandemic - thank you!

ChristopherH's picture

Thanks for the insight into the origins to this wonderful story. As I started reading this by the books on Amazon, I wasn’t here for the origins of this wonderful saga - wish I could read the comments as it happened to see where it might have inspired the story.

16 years of Bike / EafoaB

Thanks for still writing this story!
Over the years it became a part of my life.
I will be missing it when you cannot write anymore.


Congratulations and thank you

I had started binge-ing “Bike” somewhere around episode 2750 or some such (from the start). I caught up with you around about episode 3000. Lost track for a while and restarted binging during the pandemic, at first with the kindle books from Amazon and then following that here on site again.

Thank you in keeping us simple readers entertained.

Anne Margarete