Rylee Updates

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Hi! I think I left Dear Ariel off at chapter 3 and I forgot to tell you guys that I was going off to get my GCS. I came through surgery fine and I'm recovering.. painfully.

Dear Ariel is written up to chapter 5 and 6 is halfway done. There is also significant progress on Fen and Fern Chapter 2, so look for that soon.

I'm on an every two week posting schedule for the moment so while the chapters are longer there's going to be a bit of a gap between them. As always, thanks for reading :)



Of possible reasons for a break in posting, yours is surely one of the best. Hang in there for your recovery, girl! Thanks for writing.

Welcome to the nicer team

Lucy Perkins's picture

(To paraphrase a lovely nurse after my surgery!)
Congratulations and take your time to recover properly. The pain passes but the joy remains.
Big (gentle) hugs Lucy xx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."


Sending good juju for quick healing, or at least a major reduction in pain! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Thanks for the update too. :-)

- Leona

Get well soon

Angharad's picture

I wonder if you'll ever allow Rylee to have the same?



Erisian's picture

May recovery be swift and as painless as possible!!