The world has changed drastically.

A word from our sponsor:

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The other day a video popped up in my YouTube feed.
The reaction to the video is shocking for older T-Folk.

SpartanElite43 ( Youtuber name ) posted a video admitting her status as a MTF person, 1 year on HRT.
I have not seen ANY negativity about it directed at her.

The world has changed.

edit to add:

Link to the video:


a millenial thing I guess

dawnfyre's picture

I agree, the social media oversharing doesn't interest me, I was more interested in the lack of negativity in responses to it.
It's a positive sign for the younger t-folk that they don't have to worry about rejection, beat downs etc as much.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

False Post?

It might be a post from YouTube. Poster said they were a KGB agent.

doubt it is a false post.

dawnfyre's picture

doubt it is a false post.

1) an earlier pic posted in their community shows a bustline.
2) I caught the announcement post minutes after it was up and later on saw them streaming, the clothing worn was definitely female top, eyebrows shaped and fairly light cosmetics in use.

just to much in support of the announcement being true looking at older posts and streams.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Its good that there was

leeanna19's picture

Its good that there was positive messages. Perhaps people realise now. How someone else wants to look or present has got nothing the F*&^ to do with them. One poster on ther put it like this

Hey man I don’t care if you are a turkey.

And so he shouldn't

Just seen this and a reply

I used to watch your content on world of warships
I need to be honest also this is something I do not agree with and I find it disgraceful it's this society is insane. Unless you're born with chromosomes issues then this is unacceptable.
Hope you understand you should have kept it away from the YouTube content.
I know you probably expected support from the comments but it's difficult when you disagree with the message.

Someone replied to it.

You are entitled to your opinion, but what effect will her happiness have upon your life. You don't like or agree with transgender, fine. Don't do it yourself, and it won't affect you.


Someone has gone with a

leeanna19's picture

Someone has gone with a religious argument

You cant use the word respect while talking about gay people. It takes away the meaning of the whole word and it degrades it
if you want me gone look this up: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and tell me what you learned from it. I'm standing up for my religion. So if it's a problem with you then I could care less

I love it when they do that. They line themselves up.

I replied

If you are going to be selective . There is a lot of stuff in the old testament . (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11) prohibits an individual from wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment, the blending of different species of animals, and the planting together of different kinds of seeds. I bet you have done that!

How about eating shrimp, crab, lobster and shellfish. If you've eaten that your in trouble with god.
Leviticus 11:10
But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. So you can only eat fish.


A better argument

RobertaME's picture

When anyone throws out Corinthians 6:9, a better argument against their proclamation that it condemns gay people is to ask if they have ever actually read the original Greek words written by Paul. Almost assuredly, the answer will be no.

The part where people claim that he was saying that God finds gay people to be unworthy of the kingdom of heaven is the use of the word malakoi, a derivative of the Greek word malakós for "soft". It as been used over the centuries to variously refer to people who masturbate or homosexuals, but the oldest interpretations of it translated it to mean "those of weak morals". In coming to understand my own faith, I actually learned ancient Greek. The oldest interpretations are closer to the mark of what Paul was talking about. Malakoi literally translates as "soft person", but in context would refer to a person's character... a "soft person" being one who is easily swayed, as in the modern sense of the word "malleable". (a word that is also derived from malakós)

In truth, the Bible is very silent on the issue of homosexuality. It is only the various interpretations that have been used over the years to beat people up for being non-conforming to whatever the society of the time found to be something to be discouraged. As a matter of fact, it says in many more places that we are not to stand in judgement of our fellow man... that we are all equally flawed in the sight of God and should just attend to our own failures to live up to His standard... because how can we as finite beings ever hope to achieve even the smallest degree of love for our fellow man that an infinite being can have for us? Even the most loving and selfless act any of us can perform does not compare to the smallest act of love of an infinite heart. (in mathematical terms, any finite real number, no matter how large, is infinitesimal compared the the smallest fraction of an infinite)

So in true irony, the people actually condemned by that passage are the very people who use it to accuse others of any variety of behavior they don't like... being swayed by those who make the modern translations to act against Christ's teachings of love and tolerance.

Just something to think about,

He told me Jesus wouldn't be

leeanna19's picture

He told me Jesus wouldn't be happy with the guy that came out as trans.
I replied
How can you speak for Jesus? He forgave someone who was to be stoned to death. Stoned to death because she did something that the bible said she should not. Good Christians practice forgiveness. Love thy neighbor. You don't have to like what someone does . Just don't hate. Hate eats you up. You won't go to heaven will a soul full of hate. God is love , not hate.

A bit of double standard on my part there, presuming that he wouldn't go to heaven if he was filled with hate. He replied "ok friend. Whatever you say"

That was after he told me he did no want to debate the bible He must have read Corinthians 6:9 on a hate site to validate his hate. TBH , I'm not religious, I don't know too much about the bible, but he knew even less.
