Huge Request?

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Huge Request

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In the twelve years I've been writing, I have never been blessed with an editor. The person I was able to find and I hit it off immediately, but they sadly are unable to help at this time. I'm looking for someone who might be able to help me. I am looking to publish my Novella, Dainéal’s Dream along with some Irish folklore short stories with the intent of using the proceeds in part to help the site. I can send the Novella in a word attachment via E-mail and/or you can find it here >

The story would need removal of song lyrics, because I cannot nor would I want to publish that aspect since it's only considered 'fair-use' on limited fan fiction sites. I'd provide substitute poetry of my own. My plan is to create a new 'cover' as well to reflect the inclusion of the short stories.

I'm hoping to use this as a springboard to introducing 'drea to my son and daughter-in-law. Please PM me here and/or contact me at [email protected] if you're able to at least look at it? Thanks!



Your writing is excellent. Not much I can do for you.

Be confident.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)