My You-tube account has been suspended.

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My You tube account has been suspended without explanation.


That's Weird

Enemyoffun's picture

That's really weird. I've heard of others getting their accounts banned but YouTube always gives a reason. Have you tried contacting them?

I Hope It's Not For Sedition!

joannebarbarella's picture

I know it isn't. You weren't there storming the Capitol! What about Twitter and FaceBook?

Seriously, I know the loss of a service is no laughing matter and hope you can get it resolved quickly.

You are in good company

BarbieLee's picture

Welcome to the Time Out Club. I know it doesn't help or make one feel any better but I was banned from Twitter over four years ago. I'm still banned. I've lost my [email protected] account for the second time in as many months and find that account has been blacklisted for spam. They finally started getting through the blocks. Before they finally got it, I'd receive at least one notice a week for the last six years or more asking if I was requesting a new password.
I know why I'm under attack. I believe and follow the Ten Commandments the best of my ability. I believe "all" of the Constitution as it was intended and written at the time. If there is a name for my kind, call us ultra conservative. Now toss in transgendered on top of all that which brings to mind what happened two days ago. New Year, time to renew some licenses. No problem, or so I thought. I received a call from my cousin the sheriff.
"Hey, I just got off the phone with the OSBI asking about you."
"You listed Barbie Jean Lee on your application?"
"Of course I did."
"You could have told me. After all we're family."
"I've been her for over forty years but didn't want to embarrass family."
"Okay, I'll let them know. We really need to visit more often."

Not all of my extended kin are as easy going as him. Some of them I wish I didn't know, but that's life. Some good, some bad. The web is like that. We get banned, spammed, and attacked but there are good people, sites, and a ton of information and knowledge there for the harvest.
Accept what I am and hope to make a better world.
Accept I will be disliked and even hated for the same reasons.
Understand and give everyone a choice as I wish to have choice myself.
Life is too damn short to take seriously so enjoy it as much as possible while here.
Hugs people
Life is a gift, treasure it. If you know the story about the fork, I'm holding onto mine.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Online accounts?

I used to use facebook but it has been over 15 maybe closer to 20 years since I logged into it. Honestly if you were to discover my old facebook page, you would find it full of pictures of quilts and scale paper models that I have made over the years.

Don't have a twitter, youtube, instagram, tictok or any of those other accounts and truthfully don't want them.

It seems people as a whole have become too judgemental, too ready to ostracize and vilify you for having a different perspective than they do on a subject rather than discuss the subject politely with an open mind.

Businesses have even gone as far as to base their employee reviews on that employees online presence. People do and say stupid things and I'm just a prone to do so as anyone else, having those idiotic things we do and say, captured for eternity online isn't a good idea.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Job interviews

I'm glad that I don't have to go through them any more. In 2016, I did go to a couple of job interviews for some part-time work after I retired. Both companies wanted to know my social media handles. Neither really accepted that I didn't have any. Even then, they assumed that everyone was on FB or one of the other platforms. I didn't take the jobs because they really wanted me to work 5 days a week and I was done with that.
I'd love for someone to sue a company for not being offered a job because they didn't post all sorts of crap about themselves on social media.
But honestly, the world would be a better place if they ceased to exist today. The past 4 years with DJT has shown that perfectly.

Protected class

Unfortunately, not having social media accounts does not place you in a protected class. Discrimination is entirely legal unless you fall into one of the protected classes enumerated in our various civil rights and labor laws. A private company can choose not to hire you for not using social media, just as it can fire you for posting something they don't like.

I don't understand.

I've never seen you on YouTube sharing a page. Do you mean that you can not view YouTube pages?

Facebook has been difficult at times for me, perhaps due to my vehement, toothy criticism of Donald Trump. I am thankful that he will be gone soon. He should face legal consequences but likely not.
