When She Stops Saying She Loves You

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“When She Stops Saying She Loves You“ is a combination of two stories I tried to write a long time ago but never had the subplots:

Sun-Eyed Girl

The first one dealt with a family falling apart with the husband not sure if its really his fault or not and he goes to a violent extreme to make it all right in his mind (yes, the title is a three eyed blind reference)

The second one dealt with a single man who keeps seeing a shopgirl at the local mall and he goes to meet her; learning that she is transgender which causss him to try and persue her more (in a positive manner, of course). The problem is that he’s ten years older than her; this point may/or may not carry over to this story..I’m not sure at the moment.

Bonus points if anyone guesses the second musical referece.

The use of Duran Duran songs just seemed natural and made perfect sense with Ordinary World’s lyrics and the use of “Rio”, while not mentioned as a chapter title is there as either the name of the girl, or ay least her initials...I’m not sure yet—she didn’t have a name in the orignal storyline either( as the main character had not met her yet, he could only describe her as someone with streaked black hair cut on one side, earrings and glasses.