Tammyverse by Shiraz

Rank Stupidity Character Index


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The next instalment in Tammy's life is to be published at the end of August 2023. Given that a whole year has passed since the last chapter of Royal Retreat I felt it was a good idea to put some character pen pictures down and to summarise Tammy's history up to this point.

For info, this refers to Book 14 ... there's another prior 13 books in serial format and 10 on Kindle!

Tammy: Rank Stupidity


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Tammy has returned from protecting Royalty and is looking for a straightforward life as she's back at college with end of year exams. Naturally, however, that life isn't as simple as she'd like! Eventually, despite adversity, she does end up in the Isle of man for the TT Races (but you knew that if you've read Royal Retreat?)

Tom's Project


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Kindle-Cover-pt2.jpg Tom's Project


This story is set ten months before Tom's Fireworks and is the continuation of the preludes story.

Tom's back at school after the Christmas Break but is under instruction to decide what he can do for his Business Studies long-term project. We finally learn how Tammy meets Sarah Bonney.

Royal Retreat Part 11: Connections

Royal Retreat  

Tammyverse Book 13


Royal Retreat
Part 11
Shiraz & Snowfall


Royals, Football, a Dude & Fur Missiles.
Life's getting complicated with too many connections.


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