
Chapter 13 - His Plan

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


After a brief recess, Judge Fallon returned to his bench. "Be seated." he stated wearily. Looking out over the assembled people, he blew out a breath. "This case has been full of esoteric questions. Has Christina been abused by being made to live as a boy, even though she didn't seem to mind much? Did the plaintiffs ever have custody of their child, even with no birth record? Thusly, can parental rights be reinstated, even though they were never legally severed to begin with?"

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 7

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 7

“I thought I was Jockette,” I grumbled. I should have just worn the White Witch outfit.

Chapter 12 - Final Judgement

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


As Christina walked into the courtroom, she was nervous. Living with her grandparents these last five days had been both wonderful and heartbreaking. That first day they'd been loving toward her, but after her grandmother knew the truth of who she was and told Walter, she'd lost all hope of acceptance.

Chapter 11 - Gut Instinct

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Referenced Sexual Abuse of Minors


Climbing out of the car, Lyle knew he was on shaky ground. Officially, as an FBI agent, he had no reason or jurisdiction to be at the inspection of the home Ruth's parents had rented in order to take custody of Christina. Still, he hadn't been able to shake the feeling in his gut that if he didn't look into it, something terrible might happen. After twenty years of first being a cop and then an FBI agent, he'd learned to trust that instinct as it'd saved his life countless times. His hunch had paid off when he'd looked into Nancy's file.

Chapter 10 - Fostering Growth

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Emotional Abuse and Discussed Physical Abuse


Looking in the mirror, Christina sighed and tried to bring her smile back. It had been two weeks since she'd last seen David or Ruth and her optimistic attitude had begun to wane under the stress of missing them.

Chapter 9 - True Lies

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content (have tissues handy)


Waiting for word from her parents, Christina sat with Kathy in her room at the Grants'. When Linda suggested she write the letter, she insisted that she not lie, even insisting on taping the Q-tip she swabbed inside her cheek to the paper herself. Leaving to return to the Grant home, she and Kathy spent the time watching videos online. Hearing the phone ring though, she jumped up and practically ran out into the living room.

Chapter 8 - Inevitable Complications

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


"Wait a minute." David interjected with a puzzled look. "You propose we have this girl's DNA tested to see if she's our daughter to prove that she's actually Walt turned into a girl by an angel?"

Chapter 7 - Homecoming

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


An hour later, Christina emerged from the bathroom clean, in new clothes that used to be Kathy's, and with her hair dry and styled nicely. Making her way over to the dining room table, she saw no one there.

Chapter 6 - Friends in Need

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Sitting at the Grant's dining room table, Christina felt the weight of her change weighing on her more with each passing minute. Kathy is still in love with me, but she can't even face me! Mother and Daddy don't even know me, I have no future, no past... no hope. If I didn't promise Mrs. Grant I'd wait, I would just leave. Biting her lower lip, she waited.

Chapter 5 - Starting Over

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Scared and alone, Christina huddled in the dark of her best friend's bottom drawer, unsure how long she would have to wait there. Praying silently, she tried not to cry.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 6

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 6
Whispered Words and Worries

Then her expression turned incredulous just before she rolled her eyes. “That’s bullshit, and you’re a fucking idiot.”

Chapter 4 - Best Friends Forever

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Staring into Kathy's eyes, Christina knew her best friend had listened in on the conversation with her mother. "You... you remember Christina? Kathy! I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I didn't think you'd believe me!"

Chapter 3 - On Her Own

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Pacing her exam room like a caged animal, Christina had a fist balled up and ready to strike out again at the next person to touch her, even as her other hand held up the loose-fitting pajama bottoms and boxer shorts. Her breath came in rapid intakes through her nostrils and out her mouth.

Chapter 2 - Unforeseen Consequences

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Stirring slightly, Christina was in the wonderful middle ground between dreaming and waking, still not fully conscious, but no longer asleep. God, that was a beautiful dream! she mused sleepily. It all felt so real!

I'm a Girl - Apologies to the Who

This was inspired by I'm Their Girly Goy-Boy , by Andrea Lena which was inspired by my blog on the Who song I'm a boy.

Although Holly Snow did this in 2019


Which I really love

This is my take on it ,I thought I'd reverse the genders.

One boy called Emanuel
Another little boy was Samuel
Another little boy was just called Earl
The other was me, and I'm a girl

Chapter 1 - The Wish

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Looking around her room, Christina smiled. Well, it's as clean as I can get it, anyway! Wiping her hands together, she turned to leave the decidedly boyish bedroom, catching sight of herself in the mirror that was the door to her closet.

The Wisher's Paradox


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Walter Cocoran had a secret. Inside, she was Christina Joy Cocoran instead of the eleven-year-old boy everyone thought she was. In her quiet desperation, Christina tried to be the best girl possible. She did everything her parents told her to do, even the stupid boy things, and did them happily. Every night, she would pray that she would wake up a normal girl. The purity of her faith was noticed and she was given a choice; one that sent her life, and countless others, in a much different direction than she could ever have possibly imagined.

Set in Phoenix, Arizona in 2017, The Wisher's Paradox is a fantastic novella that acts as a catalyst for exploration of magical transgender transformations and the idea that the things that make us who we are and how others perceive us cannot be easily undone without unraveling the fabric of our own lives.

59,640 words

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 5

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 5
Seeing the Light

Rebecca caught the direction of my gaze and I could hear her mutter in wonder and confusion, “What… the… fuck?”

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 3

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 3
Light and Shadow

“The dreams I’ve been having!” I sputtered in realization.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 2

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 2

“Wow, and I thought that we left Hell to get here, maybe I was wrong. I’d rather go back there and face the Demons,” I muttered as I turned away and started walking.

I Wish: Book 5


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish Book 5: Chapter 1

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 1

As soon as I was standing and we both got a good look at one another, Rebecca and I said in stereo, “What is she doing here?!”

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 21

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 21
Welcome to the Jungle

Khinara screamed as her mental voice battered my brain. ~I will kill you both for this! You will suffer untold torments until I tire of you! You’ll beg for me to kill you!~

Die Verbindung

Meine Frau und ich haben eine sehr innige und glückliche Beziehung.

Was uns jedoch noch zum vollkommenen Glück fehlt, ist ein Kind unserer Liebe.

Eines Tages kann meine Frau nach Hause und zeigte mir einen rosafarbenen Ballettanzug mit Tutu und Schuhen für ein ca. 12 Jahre altes Kind.

Als ich sie darauf ansprach, weshalb sie das mitgebracht hat, da wir ja keine Tochter haben, fragte sie mich, ob ich alles tun würde, um mit ihr bis in die Ewigkeit verbunden zu sein.

Die Hochzeit

Mein Name ist Mark und ich lebe mit meiner Verlobten Jessica mittlerweile seit 6 Jahren zusammen.

Unsere Beziehung könnte nicht besser sein und so haben wir uns vor zwei Monaten verlobt.

Die Hochzeit ist für den Sommer geplant, allerdings gibt es einen Unterschied zu den Hochzeiten, wir man sie aus der Vergangenheit kennt.

Bei der Bestellung des Aufgebots muss man jetzt angeben, wer Zuhause das "Sagen" hat und als guter Freund habe ich dort gesagt, dass es meine Verlobte Jessica hat.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 20

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 20

“I feel horrible about that,” Lisa admitted self-consciously.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 18

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 18

“But I don’t wanna be famous,” I griped.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 17

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 17

"I… thanks, I guess I’m just not used to having friends who actually give a shit,” Michelle replied awkwardly.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 16

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 16
Rolling Along

I nodded at first, and once I was able to speak again I replied breathily, “I’m fine. We should… umm… cool off… I mean, wow it’s hot in here… maybe we should...”

The Unintended Wish: Chapter 02

Anime Girl Purple Eyes.jpg
The Unintended Wish

Chapter Two

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Be careful what you wish for. The old cliché can really be a problem when the one granting it has no interest in giving you what you want. Hunter is forced into a life he didn't want when his wish is deliberately misconstrued. How will he handle suddenly waking up as his dream girl instead of getting the body of his dreams? Perhaps he can convince the demon to restore what is lost before she convinces him he's better off this way. Then again, she can hear his thoughts and has been playing this game for millennia so the odds are not in his favor.

The Unintended Wish


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Anime Girl Purple Eyes.jpg
The Unintended Wish

Cover Page

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Be careful what you wish for. The old cliché can really be a problem when the one granting it has no interest in giving you what you want. Hunter is forced into a life he didn't want when his wish is deliberately misconstrued. How will he handle suddenly waking up as his dream girl instead of getting the body of his dreams? Perhaps he can convince the demon to restore what is lost before she convinces him he's better off this way. Then again, she can hear his thoughts and has been playing this game for millennia so the odds are not in his favor.

The Unintended Wish: Chapter 01

Anime Girl Purple Eyes.jpg
The Unintended Wish

Chapter One

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Be careful what you wish for. The old cliché can really be a problem when the one granting it has no interest in giving you what you want. Hunter is forced into a life he didn't want when his wish is deliberately misconstrued. How will he handle suddenly waking up as his dream girl instead of getting the body of his dreams? Perhaps he can convince the demon to restore what is lost before she convinces him he's better off this way. Then again, she can hear his thoughts and has been playing this game for millennia so the odds are not in his favor.

Sheshkuna's Lamp


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Sheshkuna Lamp.png
Sheshkuna's Lamp

Title Page

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Sheskuna, the immortal demon, delights in the torment of mortals. Thankfully, she loves the sport of the game and will only harass those who make a wish with her. If there is one lesson she teaches her victims, it's to be careful what you wish for. This is the title page for the Sheshkuna stories.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 15

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 15

“Aikido, you know, using his momentum and size against him,” Beth smoothly lied.

WS: Ch 11: The Tooth

The Wishing Stone

By Teek
© 2020

Summary: Making a wish on the Wishing Stone is a great honor. One that only ten people every hundred years gets to make. Many wishes throughout time have dramatically changed the life of the Wishee for the positive, but there are consequences to one's actions. When the youngest Wishee in history makes a life-altering wish, those around twelve-year-old Mikey must adjust to the changes.


Chapter 11
The Tooth

Chapter Summary: The loss of a tooth, causes Sarah to miss having her big brother around.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 13

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 13

“Some might call that justice served,” Ellie pointed out.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 12

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 12

“Very funny,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “It wasn’t like I intended to do any of that.”

Family Business Part 5

Lilly wakes up and stretches as she stares up at the ceiling above her. She felt so energized and rested, which was something she hasn’t felt in a while. She slides out of bed and slips the robe that Mouse gave her to wear.

She wonders if Mouse was already up and about as she heads towards the kitchen. When she walks into the kitchen, she spots Mouse talking to a young girl dressed in a black lace bodysuit and faded blue jeans. The blue jeans looked like someone had painted them onto the girl. She had dark brown hair that was cut short.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 11

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 11

I looked away in shame as I nodded. “I’ve been wanting to check on how you were doing, but we’re here because a Celestial named Xuriel told me that your troupe might have a spirit healer.”

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 10

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 10
Wounded Spirits

“We?” I asked uncertainly.

For My Queen: A Fantasy Island Story

To Serve 3-1.jpg
Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen. Back ground from pixabay.com,
character by Coral Lacey on Flickr.com

Fantasy Island and all associated characters (except mine) are owned by Spelling-Goldberg Productions, Columbia Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. All persons described herein are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. Copyright infringement is not intended.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 9

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 9
River of Emotions

““Yeah, Beth’s not really acting like herself either, did you two have a lover’s quarrel or something?” Penny asked.

I Wish Book 4: Chapter 8

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 4
Chapter 8

“Tell me where Khinara is and I’ll take this up with her,” I said. I was torn between trying to find a way to save Lisa, wanting to kill her, and wanting to find Khinara to put an end to all of this.


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