Identity Crisis

Chapter 10 - Transformation

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Sitting in the back of her aunt's limousine, Heather across from her and Faith next to her, Erica's nerves were on edge knowing she was going to meet someone who knew her father... and her from her old life before she was reborn in the body of her son. The butterflies were gone, replaced with raging wildcats clamoring around inside her stomach.

Chapter 9 - Winter Wonderland

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Erica stepped out onto the front porch again, this time fully decked out in dress, tights, bloomers, coat, scarf, hat, mittens, boots, and a burning desire to run out into the front yard, plow through the knee-deep snow, and bury herself in it. Carefully making her way down the front steps, Faith by her side, she still couldn't help but giggle at the sense of wonder she felt experiencing her first snowfall.

Chapter 8 - Painful Memories

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds

Clarification: The entire first part of this chapter is a traumatic flashback.


Erica bounded into the living room, gay as a lark. It was just before six o'clock and she knew April would be home from school by now. "Aunt Heather? It's almost six. I know it will be time for dinner soon, but before dinner, can I call my friend April and let her know I'm OK?"

Chapter 7 - A New Morning

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Erica awoke slowly, stretching her body and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Next to her, Faith lay sleeping. The room had an odd quality to it as she unwrapped herself from Faith's warm clinginess. Sitting up, she dropped her feet into the slippers that Faith had given her the night before. Crossing the floor toward the window in her borrowed nightgown, she'd finally noticed that the howling wind had subsided leaving an eerie silence to sit over the house. She'd become so accustomed to the howl of the storm, its absence left a void in the perceptions of her surroundings. Peaking out the window, Erica saw something she'd never seen before. Awestruck, she stood in wonderment at the beauty of the sight before her.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 19

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 19: Oh Momma!

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“Yeah, I’m expecting a hell of a lecture from Mom about that,” I replied with a sigh.

Chapter 6 - Whodunit?

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Stepping through the door to the right of the old grandfather clock in the living room, Erica walked into the library. Its dark interior illuminated only by the little light that managed to seep its way past the heavy curtains that covered the room's single massive window, she followed her aunt to the right; rows of bookshelves jutting out from the wall opposite the door.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 8

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 8
Prime Directive

Rebecca rolled her eyes and groaned before asking in a tone heavily laden with sarcasm, “And how do we know that, Professor?”

Chapter 5 - Visions of Erica Hargrave

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Rinsing off the body wash as he remembered the happy exchange that now nearly brought him to tears, Eric's heart ached to see his best friend even though he knew he likely never would again. Draining the tub, he pulled in one of Faith's towels and dried. Stepping out, he pulled the towel around him tightly to ward off the bitter cold seeping in from the outside.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 18

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 18: Double Date

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“No way!” Rose half-shouted, her eyes wide. She swung around in her seat the best that her seatbelt would allow, looking behind us. “You’re kidding me, right?”

Three Girls - Book 4

Terri’s Challenge
Three Girls - Book Four

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings
Terri's challenge - my voice, my heart…my life are yours for as long as I live…

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 7

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 7

“I thought I was Jockette,” I grumbled. I should have just worn the White Witch outfit.

Chapter 12 - Final Judgement

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


As Christina walked into the courtroom, she was nervous. Living with her grandparents these last five days had been both wonderful and heartbreaking. That first day they'd been loving toward her, but after her grandmother knew the truth of who she was and told Walter, she'd lost all hope of acceptance.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 8


As Michelle fell back in the hallway, her head hit the wall. She slid down as the world spun.

"I should have cut your fucking balls off when yer mam died. I knew a little freak like you would never be a real man."

The word "freak" stung Michelle like a blow. The anger gave her a jolt of adrenaline. Her head cleared as her mind seemed to slow down what was happening.

Chapter 11 - Gut Instinct

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Referenced Sexual Abuse of Minors


Climbing out of the car, Lyle knew he was on shaky ground. Officially, as an FBI agent, he had no reason or jurisdiction to be at the inspection of the home Ruth's parents had rented in order to take custody of Christina. Still, he hadn't been able to shake the feeling in his gut that if he didn't look into it, something terrible might happen. After twenty years of first being a cop and then an FBI agent, he'd learned to trust that instinct as it'd saved his life countless times. His hunch had paid off when he'd looked into Nancy's file.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 17

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 17: Divine

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


To be honest, that kind of power scared me and it took a few minutes before I was able to say, “That sounds like it’s hard, and a huge responsibility.”

Chapter 10 - Fostering Growth

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Emotional Abuse and Discussed Physical Abuse


Looking in the mirror, Christina sighed and tried to bring her smile back. It had been two weeks since she'd last seen David or Ruth and her optimistic attitude had begun to wane under the stress of missing them.

Chapter 9 - True Lies

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content (have tissues handy)


Waiting for word from her parents, Christina sat with Kathy in her room at the Grants'. When Linda suggested she write the letter, she insisted that she not lie, even insisting on taping the Q-tip she swabbed inside her cheek to the paper herself. Leaving to return to the Grant home, she and Kathy spent the time watching videos online. Hearing the phone ring though, she jumped up and practically ran out into the living room.

Chapter 8 - Inevitable Complications

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


"Wait a minute." David interjected with a puzzled look. "You propose we have this girl's DNA tested to see if she's our daughter to prove that she's actually Walt turned into a girl by an angel?"

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 16

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 16: Lessons

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“I’m not a fucking bimbo!” I snapped, pulling away from her.

Chapter 7 - Homecoming

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


An hour later, Christina emerged from the bathroom clean, in new clothes that used to be Kathy's, and with her hair dry and styled nicely. Making her way over to the dining room table, she saw no one there.

Chapter 6 - Friends in Need

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Sitting at the Grant's dining room table, Christina felt the weight of her change weighing on her more with each passing minute. Kathy is still in love with me, but she can't even face me! Mother and Daddy don't even know me, I have no future, no past... no hope. If I didn't promise Mrs. Grant I'd wait, I would just leave. Biting her lower lip, she waited.

Three Girls - Book 3

Danni's Dream
Three Girls - Book Three

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings

danni's dream
the dawn awakens my soul
no longer the same
now new my heart sings

Chapter 5 - Starting Over

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Scared and alone, Christina huddled in the dark of her best friend's bottom drawer, unsure how long she would have to wait there. Praying silently, she tried not to cry.

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Hot and Heavy

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“Not gonna happen,” I told her stubbornly. “Yeah, I might be a Snow Nymph, but I’m way more than I appear to be and I’m just full of surprises.”

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 6

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 6
Whispered Words and Worries

Then her expression turned incredulous just before she rolled her eyes. “That’s bullshit, and you’re a fucking idiot.”

Chapter 4 - Best Friends Forever

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Staring into Kathy's eyes, Christina knew her best friend had listened in on the conversation with her mother. "You... you remember Christina? Kathy! I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I didn't think you'd believe me!"

Apocalypse Dawn: The New World - Chapter 7



Chapter 7: Duel

The game is over, and reality will never be the same again.


“You are bleeding and broken, you cannot hope to stand against a true goddess. I will finish you now and once I have taken your essence I will lay waste to this world and bathe it in chaos,” she said as she approached and her mouth glowed with the flames that were to come.

Chapter 3 - On Her Own

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Pacing her exam room like a caged animal, Christina had a fist balled up and ready to strike out again at the next person to touch her, even as her other hand held up the loose-fitting pajama bottoms and boxer shorts. Her breath came in rapid intakes through her nostrils and out her mouth.

Three Girls - Book 2

Lainie's Hope
Three Girls - Book Two

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 14

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 14: Adventures in Dating

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“I… what… you don’t want me?” I half gasped in desperate need, even as I tried to get some semblance of self-control again.

The Wisher's Paradox


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Walter Cocoran had a secret. Inside, she was Christina Joy Cocoran instead of the eleven-year-old boy everyone thought she was. In her quiet desperation, Christina tried to be the best girl possible. She did everything her parents told her to do, even the stupid boy things, and did them happily. Every night, she would pray that she would wake up a normal girl. The purity of her faith was noticed and she was given a choice; one that sent her life, and countless others, in a much different direction than she could ever have possibly imagined.

Set in Phoenix, Arizona in 2017, The Wisher's Paradox is a fantastic novella that acts as a catalyst for exploration of magical transgender transformations and the idea that the things that make us who we are and how others perceive us cannot be easily undone without unraveling the fabric of our own lives.

59,640 words

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 5

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 5
Seeing the Light

Rebecca caught the direction of my gaze and I could hear her mutter in wonder and confusion, “What… the… fuck?”

Three Girls - Book 1

Yuki's Wish
Three Girls - Book One

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings

A Cold Fey In Hell: Chapter 13

cold fey in hell.png


Chapter 13: Much Ado

Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.


“Good,” Ms. Nakamura said with a relieved expression. “Do you know what PDA stands for?”


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