
Right Path

Stuck at a crossroads

No signs

No civilization


Only the whisper of trees

Lost at the fork

Staring at each choice

Nothing but death is certain

No clue

Muscles stiffen

Blood boils

Screams of frustration fill the air

Which way is it!?

There's no way to know for sure

Heart breaks

Pressure mounts

Suddenly a tiny tug

Lead slowly in one direction

An angel guide

With sad dark eyes

Pleading to go this way

This is the path

What is life?

What is life?

Tears swell in searing eyes
Bile lurches upward ready to burst
Heart going so fast its stopped
Lungs quiver, ribs ache
I’m sorry…
Words aren’t enough, nothing is
A dark void grows swallowing all
Nothing and no one is safe
Is there any hope left?
I’m drowning
Vision fades, nothing but black
So much weight, body seizing
Everything is numb
All is ice
Am I dead?
I’m alive.



Girlhood that’s what I want.
Womanhood that’s what I need.
Sadness overcomes me and sometimes has me beat.
Joyful I think about tenderness and beauty.
Warm and yellow sunflowers I feel in my heart my dear cutie.
An endless rainbow of hope as the sun rises in my heart.
Oh, how can the world sometimes be oh so dark?
Ghosts of the past come and haunt me on occasion.
I don’t need any more persuasion because I know what I want and know who I am.

True Love

Like the rain in the desert you watered
of faith my heart, drowned my fears
Like a sweet voice in the silence
So we got love, "True Love"

And so I was waiting to you daily
Without law, without a schedule
And so I went awakening
In every dream where were you?

And no one was looking for, and nobody planned it that way
It was the destiny, that you were for me
And no one will bet, that it would be so happy
But Cupid took pity on me

I love you because the person who am I when I am with you

Another try

This is a poem i've written years ago, when I was still trying to figure myself out, it's a short one, but I hope you like it:

sitting here
sitting here lonely
watching the mirror
trying to smile
tears come out of my eyes
who is that person?
why do I feel sad for him?
I clean my eyes and go outside with a smile
another day, another try

Complexity of Life

Another piece that I wrote at the end of High School. This will probably be my last piece for a bit, while I try to tackle a larger piece.

In the beginning, everything always seems so simple
Then we learn the truth that it hides,
We feel anguish in the morning
Suffering during the day
And the unbearable pain at night

Agony of Life

I wrote this back in High School so please excuse its rough nature, however I always thought it captured a few of the things I felt rather well. I have never coded in HTML so this will be a little interesting to see how it turns out. And without further wait, my first and hopefully not my last contribution to this wonderful website:


If you believe in yourself then you will have confidence,
If you have confidence then you can do anything.
If you believe in yourself then you will be strong,
If you are strong then you can beat anything.
If you believe in yourself then you are beautiful,
If you are beautiful then you can achieve.
If you believe you are all of this then people will believe in you,
If people believe in you then you can become anything.
Believe in yourself as god and I believe in you!

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What I learned

I was taught family doesn't matter,
I always thought family was a burden.
I was taught that parents will favor one child over another,
I always thought I wasn’t relevant.
I was taught that life wasn’t important,
I always thought my life wasn’t important.
I was taught … wrong,
I have learned that I am important, relevant and family is not a burden.

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What does it take to be a good mommy?

A good mommy is one that is there for you,
through thick and thin.
A good mommy has a kind soul and a good heart,
but she will protect you from all evil.
A good mommy is firm and subtle,
yet loving and caring.
A good mommy will understand you no matter what,
You are all that and more.

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A curse broken

I have a curse.
How do I heal my brokenheart?
I can love yet I can not be loved.
I search for it the world over,
Yet it can not find me I am unloved!
My heart breaks with every step!
When I think I found it my heart breaks again.
I scream out in pain while noone can hear my agony.
When I am on the threshold of giving up,
You appear before me out of the blue,
I made you cry and you made me feel loved.
The curse is broken! I thank you as I weep tears of joy.

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To find love

What is it like to go around loving everyone you meet?
You know what its like to feel love for others,
But you never feel like someone loves you back.
Its soul wrenching to watch yourself,
Greet person after person who can not understand.
You can not stop tho because you have to find the one.

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Youre always there

When I was being used and abused, you were there to help
When I was lonely, you were there to keep me company
When I needed a laugh, you were there to tell me a joke
When I needed to cry, you were there with a shoulder to lend
When I was feeling depressed, you were there to cheer me up
When I needed a hug, you were there with your arms open wide
When I was suicidal, you were there to keep me alive
And while I’m all of this, you are always there

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Life Sucks

Life sucks every day I wake up and get out of bed
Life sucks every time I pick up my meds
Life sucks all the time because of the pain
Life sucks I wish I could stop the Rain
Life sucks I want to get hit by a big truck
Life sucks I wish I had some bucks
Life sucks just because it can
Life sucks when you got to be a man
Life suck that’s all
So go on living your life and have a ball

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Life Is Genderful

Here's a poem I wrote 11 years ago that I just found in a folder. When I first wrote it, I couldn't figure out what to do with it so I buried it. Now I'm hoping I found a home for it here.

Life Is Genderful

Tries placing me
As one kind
In body and mind
But I am not a man
And I am not a woman
I'm a human being
Somewhere in between

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I've decided, on the advice of a few, to post my poems here, as they are like a diary of how this past school year has started and has been going. I may or may not add a little of what the situation was with each one, but that depends on the poem. For some, you should just be able to figure out what its about right off the bat.

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