magic mirror

Tell Me True (2)

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 1996/2021.

Tell Me True

The Door to Nowhere was open. KC gaped at this marvel in childish disbelief. His life had been a montage of daydreams and fantasies up to this point. Months ago, he'd imagined that the door might open into Narnia or some other magical land. But he'd tested that particular fancy dozens of times; he knew that the door was merely a facade, nothing else. His mind refused to accept what his eyes were seeing.

Yet, here he was, the door was open, and there was light coming from somewhere behind it...

Tell Me True

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 1996/2021.

Tell Me True

The Door to Nowhere was open. KC gaped at this marvel in childish disbelief. His life had been a montage of daydreams and fantasies up to this point. Months ago, he'd imagined that the door might open into Narnia or some other magical land. But he'd tested that particular fancy dozens of times; he knew that the door was merely a facade, nothing else. His mind refused to accept what his eyes were seeing. Yet, here he was, the door was open, and there was light coming from somewhere behind it...

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