Lost love

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 19

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 19

By Katherine Day

(Julie looks like a woman and feels like a woman but finds that her transgendered status may stand in her way of finding love with a man. Edited by Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Evanescence 12

Evanescence 12

Chapter 12

My eyelids flutter open and I inhale this wonderful combination of scent’s old straw, fresh hay, clover and the smell of sex. Shaun and I had just made love and I’ve never felt like thing in my life. It’s quiet inside of me for the first time in awhile, all of me satisfied. The layers that are me all happy for various reasons.

And of course just to be a girl, I’m actually a little freaked out. Shaun, My Shaun is a caster, a mage of somekind. I’m lying there being spooned and watching the sunlight starting to wane.

Total Recall 21 = Alternative Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 21

Epilogue - 2nd version, (alternative theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Total Recall 20 = Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 20

Epilogue - 1st version, (original theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Total Recall 19

Total Recall - Chapter 19

Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……or alternatively, who may have read the first “ending” in my ch.18……, This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It IS a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

Total Recall 18

Total Recall - Chapter 18
Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……. This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It will be a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

Total Recall 14 (13!)

Karen gets a surprise that Jenny hadn’t thought to give ‘him’ only an hour ago…
And the next day unfolds from there. More insight into Andy’s marriage.
Total Recall
Part 014 (forgive my superstition....... there is no #13!)

by WannabeGinger

Total Recall 9

Andy has found a dream lover. Jenny has found a great Girlfriend.
Andy gets the chance to explain how his dressing started.
What can each expect of the other now they are inextricably tied together….?
Total Recall
Chapter 9

by WannabeGinger

Total Recall 7

Jenny’s helped him recapture the exhilaration in the salon chair; it’s time for a different relationship with his hairdresser. She now has the chance to take control. Sex is inevitable, and wonderful!
Total Recall
Chapter 7

by WannabeGinger

Total Recall 6

A thoughtful look back through the early years of crossdressing takes Andy into a different relationship with his hairdresser. No regrets, but probably no future either…. Or maybe? The encounters unfold….
Total Recall
Chapter 6

by WannabeGinger

Total Recall 5

A thoughtful look back through the early years of crossdressing takes Andy into a different relationship with his hairdresser. No regrets, but probably no future either…. Or maybe? The encounters unfold….
Total Recall
Chapter 5

by WannabeGinger

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