female domination / turned evil

Adventures of Kim Possible: the Amazon women 27

the New Amazon Scotland Cabinet

Paul replies “ yes and these Amazon girl are stronger than you now”. Greg says “ I cant get over how that act like sweet girls but they have strength now and their beauty beyond a joke and we now under Amazon women control”. Teacher saw the boys talking and said “ gentlemen please be quiet”. The boys shut up for the rest of the class.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Alt. Universe. Chapt 1

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Alt Universe

disclaimer : the characters in this story are the property of Joss Whesdon

Buffy, Dawn and Joycee arrive in Sunnydale after the divorce of her father in Los Angeles. Joyce says “ Buffy you have first day of school tomorrow at Sunnydale”. Buffy replies “ I know mom I wll be seeing the principal”. Dawn says “ do you think they know your a vampire slayer sis”. Buffy says “ I am unsure all I know is tha I destroyed Glory for you”.

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 22

22 New Secretary and Opreration Girls School

Inside the interrogation room Drew was sitting Shego was asking him questions Drew was not being co-operative towards the Amazon princess then Drew heard a knock at the door the guard open the door and the guard said “welcome officer Sianna”. Sianna came in and said “your majesty and your highness”.

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 21

21 Male Capture and Amazon Secret Police

Pheobe saw the boy she walked up to him and ask” your name is Connor correct”. The teen boys replied “ yes that is my name Amazon”. Pheobe said “ you remember your best friend Craig, Connnor”. Connor said “ yes Amazon he was my best buddie”.

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