Extreme Tissue Alert

The Parchment Chapter 19-20 The Finale

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 19-20

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from

123rf.com. The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


“I’m pretty, I’m young, I’m fucking real you little tranny slut you don’t thin k they’ll believe me? Believe us? You cause shit like this and Alex’s dad’ll have a relapse.”
(Sniffle-cough-small-voice…) “Relapse…?”

“He had a heart attack…you don’t think you’ll make it worse? I’ll make sure you do.”

………………………… “It’s not okay! Goddamn it! It’s not okay!”

“Take me to the airport.”
“Jade no…”
“TAKE ME TO THE AIRPORT!!!” I’m screaming, I don’t mean to be screaming but I am until she’s holding me tight.
“Okay, okay…We’ll go.”
I’m still shaking and crying as she leads me to the rental car parked nearby and my things are inside. She gets me inside and carefully closes the door and we start driving away from the hospital, away from Alex and my hopes.

*And Now….

Come back soon...Part 7

Come back soon…part 7

Peter stays with me while mom’s getting us some tea. I’m normally a coffee person but right now they’re not wanting me to have something that might make me edgy. I’m pretty sure it’s decaf tea.

It was really good with him there and him holding me and me getting to hold my Kid sister doll.

“Thanks Pete, this was awesome.”

Come back soon...Part 4

Come back soon…Part four

I cry and I cry and it feels like I won’t stop and I don’t know how to stop because Michael could but Jennifer just can’t.

It hurts too, it hurts like crazy and I should know right? Actually knowing how close I came to hurting my family to really doing some serious damage it’s ripping me up inside. There’s part of me that had been. Fine no one see’s me I’ll show them and there was part of me just so goddamned tired. And like I told mom if it gets to you…gets in deep and you can live through the GID then you sometimes just don’t.

Jem...Chapter 21

Jem…Chapter 21

Chapter 21.

Yep, there’s a familiar salty coppery tang in my mouth.

I get up and there’s Summer about to kick me and her little buddies from Sucks on a Rose Bush are covering what’s going on with Charlie the owner and sort of making a wall of assholes bitching about us being there.

The kick doesn’t land as Brooklyn steps in between us and cuts loose with this backhanded swing. There’s a pretty loud crack of flesh on flesh and Summer goes down.

Oh you’ve heard the term bitch-slap right and so have I but I’ve never seen one as Brooklyn stepped in with a long single step and this full on backhanded slap! That drives Summer right to her knees.

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