Embracing one's female identity

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 9 - Melanie and Sara Sisters

Jack and Jill, by Trudy
9 - Melanie and Sara Sisters

By Jessica C

Melvin thought it was weird to be Jill for Halloween...
That his friend Trudy liked it made it okay...
That he has to act as a pregnant girl was credited to Mel...
But acting as pregnant student Melanie’s roll extends into February…

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 8 - Jill and Melanie Go On

Jack and Jill, by Trudy
8 - Jill and Melanie Go On

Melvin thought it was weird to be Jill for Halloween...
But his friend Trudy liked it that made it okay...
A dare to act as a pregnant girl was credited to him,
Now acting as that pregnant student is his roll into February.

Through Her Eyes

Generally I feel good about myself as I’ve adjusted over time to how others look at me. My body is pretty androgynous. I’m not comfortable with the label of hermaphrodite as I try only to see myself as Max, a guy. Two weeks ago that started to change when Bobbi Freyja started taking notice of me and liking what she saw.

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