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Since everyone else seems to be throwing updates about themselves and their writing thought some may appreciate it if I did the same.

Circumstances in real life that brought about the short story, "The Changeling," really put my muse into a tailspin. I could not concentrate on any of my ongoing stories for the longest time and I refused to begin any new story until I had those complete.

The little one, (at 10 years old isn't so little anymore at 5'3" and into a bra size that has me cleaning the shotgun,) is doing good learning the Violin, although is finding it more fun to play the fiddle music I have. Her skills are improving with it and the guitar as I teach her. Picking up and trying my Mandolin she found too hard to begin, (thank god!) And she has begun learning the finger rolls on a banjo, (Yes I play them all).

Of course, as any young girl will do she has "inspected" everything and she has gone through the many shoe boxes I have of computer games and being the star wars fan she is, I was forced by her puppy dog eyes to build her a small computer and install Star Wars the Old Republic on it, and on mine to "Play" with her.

With the gameplay, I decided to give the muse a rest hoping it would bring my writing back to something close to normal. And even when those times hit me when the muse was screaming at me to write down some idea, I ignored it.

Now weeks later it seems the muse is coming around and wanting to work on the unfinished stories I have... Yea!!!

So if nothing else in real life sticks its head up to screw up anything, you should begin seeing updates to "For Better or Worse", "Kelly's story" and "Project: Super Soldier" sometime in the near future!



D. Eden's picture

I understand how life can get in the way, but I am really looking forward to seeing more work from you!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I hope

That you get back to Kelly's story. I'd forgotten this when I started my story. Perhaps I ought to change the name of my main character?

Why would you need to ever

Why would you need to ever change the name of your own characters because of someone else's story?

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Let me know if you need any parts for the Computer.

MadTech01's picture

If you revitalized an older computer for her let me know what parts you used and I can see if any of the old ones i have laying around can be part donator for you. Ih ave some old desktops I took down at work. Heck i have old graphics cards that would eat those games alive but an not handle the newer stuff. Let me know.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Thanks but I'm good with

Thanks but I'm good with parts and software :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

At last!

GrandiaKnight's picture

Glad to hear new chapters will be coming soon. Those were some great stories and I look forward to reading the new chapters when they arrive.

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"

If you have ever seen certain movies...

MadTech01's picture

the most recent best example would be the John Wick series.
"I once saw John Kill three men in a bar with a Pencil. A F-ing Pencil...." The you see him do it in the Second.

Swords might fight the wars but Pens end them.

"Cortana is watching you!"