The online seriel "WORM"

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A few weeks ago... or so, someone pointed me via a blog entry, to this online seriel "Worm."

Whoever this was, I have alternately thanked and cursed you. The story is VERY well written and it's also VERY graphic, pulling no punches when it comes to violence. It's compelling and seemingly never-ending. I've read myself into a stupor, trying to reach an end that never seems to come, and yet... I cannot stop reading this damned story!

I'll include a url to access the story, but if you're not a superhero story fan, you'll probably not enjoy it very much. It's also not TG.

I will WARN anyone who is subject to "trigger" instances, as the story is VERY dark and violent, with many graphic incidents although it seems to be non-sexual so far.

Once again, I warn sensitive readers. This is a great story, very well written, almost hypnotic IMHO, but VERY violent and thought provoking.

Catherine Linda Michel


Worm is Love it or Hate it

Hotaru Lind's picture

And is one of the few stories I've had to stop reading due to the violence and several triggers, and from what I've heard later on there's some pretty bad stupidity and grimderpery, which means I had to deal with my OCD playing up for months because I didn't finish it.

Understood, Hotaru.

There is no shame nor is there any blame to lay as far as this story goes. One needs a strong stomach and a willingness to suspend one's disbelief and suspend their humanity to fully appreciate what this story is trying to say. Even for me, it's prety strong, stomach turning stuff if one is not prepared for it, or is triggered by it.

As I said, it's a great, well written story, but certainly not everyone's cup of tea. I foresee no happy ending to it, but I remain hopefull.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Like kudzu

It hasn't quite managed to take over Spacebattles, but it's trying ... hard. I've never read it, nor do I intend to. This is due to the recommendations of several friends of mine, who, knowing me and how I react to certain stimuli, have strongly suggested I do not. I have read a few fanfiction re-interpretations, as a way of trying to see what the fuss was, and judging by them, and the comments attached to them, and the discussions I've had with my defensive friends, I'm going to go with your recommendation. Concensus is Worm is a remarkably well written tale, by an individual of the G.R.R. Martin school of protagonist handling with an even greater fondness for H.P. Lovecraft's squickier works than Martin himself.

Read It - Loved It

terrynaut's picture

I couldn't stop reading Worm. I think it's a great story and highly recommend it except... as others have mentioned, it is quite dark in places.

For something lighter and TG, I can recommend Magical Girl Policy by Taralynn. For something fun and interesting (though non-TG), I recommend Starwalker by Melanie Edmonds. They're both quite long and should be easily found by googling them. Starwalker is a complete story with additional complete sequels promised at a later date. Magic Girl Policy is an ongoing serial.

- Terry

...and yet...

Daphne Xu's picture

"and yet... I cannot stop reading this damned story!"

I have to admit, this is quite flattering to an author, to have such a readership. I've been on the author's side in that position, with one reader at least. The reader couldn't stop reading one of my stories, no matter how hard I yanked her about the room. I yanked her much harder than I ever intended to... Well, the story did end, with various reactions to the ending.

-- Daphne Xu


Worm is a story that I love to hate. It was a very compelling read, but depressing because it can always get worse.

The fanfiction is where the story really shines. IMHO.

There are few fanfic authors I can recommend.

Anything by Ack. Security! was a good one.

Fantasy Ra also has some good reads. His Mass Effect/Worm story was very good and his Gambit/Worm was also good.

MP3... Has a very entertaining Taylor Varga story going.

-- Sleethr

Taylor Varga

Hotaru Lind's picture

Is one of the few stories that has nearly made me have an unfortunate accident due to laughing too hard. It's not to everyone's cup of tea however there a lot of complaints about pacing.