The Greatest Lie


The Greatest Liar, formerly known as The Greatest Lia

The first part of my novel “The Greatest Liar” is available in Amazon’s Kindle Store at for $1.59 for the e-book and $4.59 as a paperback (the difference represents Amazon’s printing and shipping costs; it’s about 17,000 words or 40 pages on paper).
In the near future I will publish several of the remaining 18 parts serially at similar prices in the Kindle Store. Eventually I will publish the entirety, and when I do I intend to offer a the previously un-released parts at a discount, so the prices paid for entirety and the serial releases are substantially similar.
I have rewritten almost every line, added new scenes and chapters, including a new concluding chapter, and amplified the themes and ideas of the “beta” version I published previously as “The Greatest Lie.” Apologies to fans of Chapter 13, "Does Art Imitate Life." I deleted it.
I hope you support this story in its new home on Amazon by reading and reviewing it.