When Fortune Smiles!

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When Fortune Smiles
by Tanya Allan

It's 2003, meet Joe Fortune, a bright and pleasant young man, with a secret life as a drag artist, and an overwhelming desire to be the woman he feels he should be.

Working in a shop he and some friends have set up, he does some photo imaging work for a client, which starts him on a roller-coaster ride, involving hired killers, a corrupt M.P., and the police. He takes the opportunity to pretend to be his twin sister, and become a ski rep for a month to avoid the heat.

With more twists and turns than is good for him, he has a fling with a female to male transsexual, who teaches him how to be a woman, and then, after surgery as Josie, she falls in love with her best friend.

Tanya has a new website where she will display her latest works first and then to BigCloset TopShelf a few weeks later is here at Tanya Allan's Tales .
Tanya's Book Shop where she is selling her works in book form is at http://tanyaallan.authorshaunt.com/shop.php . Please Visit!