When among Dragons...

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When among Dragons...

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

In a world similar to our own except for one big difference,
follow Garrus and Drew on an adventure of change
and a special connection, supported by their mothers.

This story is based on a roleplay in chat form between me and my fiancé Chryos. It turned out to be our biggest yet.
Having aspirations to write before, I took the chance and adapted and extended our chat logs to a form more adequate for reading.

- This world was inspired by the Whately Academy, the MORFS universe and little bits of the Gabyverse. However, since it is own universe I decided not to tie it to any of them.
- Initial parts of this fiction were translated from German to English since we are both German native speakers and this Story starts in Germany. Texts in blue are spoken in German.
- Having written and partly prepared more than a dozen chapters by now, I plan to release one chapter per week, except for the initial three chapters of which I will post once per day.

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