wyrm's blog

More on the Moore/Burchill controversy

The Guardian/Observer has, in a somewhat mealy-mouthed manner withdrawn Burchill's bigoted rant from their website. However, they haven't written a single word of criticism about Burchill, so expect her bigotry to shine forth in her future writings.

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Media viewpoints

We've had an interesting week in the UK news. On Thursday, the left-wing Guardian commentator Suzanne Moore demonstrated she didn't understand transsexuals. On Sunday, the even more left-wing Guardian commentator Julie Burchill demonstrated (yet again) she is a bigoted transphobe

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UK Television series

I spotted the following on TVGuide.co.uk

Channel 4, Tuesday 8 November 22:00

My Transsexual Summer

New series. Seven transgender men and women convene at a summer retreat, where they share a mutual understanding of what it is like to be a transsexual in Britain today. In various stages of gender reassignment, members of the group share experiences and provide an insight into the problems and prejudices they face in everyday life, and build the support network they need to reach their long-term goals

URL: http://www.tvguide.co.uk/detail.asp?id=107607931

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UK MPs proclivities

Currently, various details of British MPs' "expenses" have become public knowledge (much to the dismay of the Parliamentary swine). In UK law, and even in the lax parliamentary rules, for expenditure to qualify as expenses, it must be incurred wholly and exclusively as part of your duties.

So what does this have to do with us?

Amongst other examples of porcine traits, male MPs have claimed on their expenses for tampons, nappies (US diapers) and women's clothes - to be used wholly and exclusively as part of their duties!

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Newspaper story "Man naturally turning into woman"

The Daily Telegraph has an article about a man who has developed abnormally high levels of oestrogen but the doctors don't know why. The report uses the word "natural", but ff this had happened in a story on this site, it wouldn't have been "natural".


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