Leigh Veritas's blog

Happy Birthday

Today's my birthday, So this is my shameless plug. Sorry :(. To be honest if it wasn't for this site and my friends here I wouldn't be here. Thank You Erin, Piper and the rest off the girls here at Big Closet Topshelf.


In need of an honest opinion

Okay, I know everyone asks this once in a while. I sometimes look in the mirror and see I'm pretty and feel I can pass as myself no problem and others I question myself. I am hoping I can get a few people to offer an honest opinion if I look good or not. I know my chins gotta go it horrible and my nose is huge. good or bad opinions are accepted. Thanks for putting up with my silliness.

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The Quagmire of my Life

Hi everyone, I'm sorry for not writing or blogging. I thought yalls could do with out my constant (insert desired adjective). Well its been almost two years and I still have failed to secure a job, move out of the area I am in and worst of all I failed to live as myself full time. I still feel I am to weak to survive on my own and I have no family or friends that could help me out on this manner. Anyways I was wondering if my last job was blackballing me somehow. I mean I have had a few interviews and after that I hear nothing from the companies I have applied too.

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I have failed, failed at writing( I haven't been able to write a word since I lost the ability to buy meds). I look at my kudos and see less then three hundred of them. I think I was deluding myself into believing I had some talent for writing. Yet another failure in my life. I fail to break out of my current prison, I fail to find work(averaging 3-10 applications and resume submissions a day).

I need an editor.

Hey, I hate to ask. But I need some one to proof read and edit my stories. I need some one who understands where I am coming from in my writing and sees the pictures I am trying to paint with my words.
My stories are not dark often but the one I am working on "My Prison" is darker then I have ever written. Partly because I am including snippets of my life in it.

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