dawnfyre's blog

Health not great ......

The latest bits in my life, I'm currently dealing with a throat infection ( clarithromycin antibiotics, 500 mg twice a day ) and an exasperation of my copd ( Prednisone, foul tasting steroidal anti inflammatory pills, 50 mg a day ).

Not really unexpected, since the stress of being homeless for a month was almost a guarantee of it happening. At least I'm in a new place, and paying $324/mo less in rent.

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The oriechtomy went well, but the spinal anesthetic wearing off is as painful as local from getting a filling in your teeth.

5:45 check-in for 7:45 surgery time. Was out before 11:30

gonna go lie down after I finish eating.

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Sirius:We have already been to five doctors. I had my ankles microwaved -
Sirius:They took my blood away to use for science!
James:Cholesterol test.
Sirius:James had his sinuses… removed?
James:Looked at.
Sirius:Some guy looked at my wiener. Touched it – that was weird.
James:And that guy wasn’t even a doctor.

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I feel like an idiot right now.

I have a complete copy of Maddy's site, including all fanfics and I have been wondering how I was going to reread them all.
( complete as a site rip can be,when some images are missing to begin with )

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Finally, it took forever but the result of the assessment November 7, 2014 for getting my srs came in today.
5 page form to fill out and send to the GRC in Montreal.

then they go over the medical information on it and decide if they will do the operation(s) and get back to me with a date.

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Wow, I knew that BC was larger than the British Isle, but not that much larger.

944,735 km2 (364,764 sq mi) is the area for BC.
315,159 km2 (121,684 sq mi) is the area for The British Isles, basically 1/3 the area.

BC's population density is 4.76/km2 (12.3/sq mi) while the density for the UK is 216 /km2 (559 /sq mi), 50 times as much.

They can't be having much room to breathe there.



Ahh well, the last lung function test showed me having a 15% drop in airflow, this morning another test, yet a further 3% reduction.

I am able to exhale a maximum of 36% of every breath I inhale in 1 second. Yup, 64% of every breath gets trapped in my lungs according to the doctors. I can exhale the remaining 64%, but that takes another 20 seconds.

at 50, I should be exhaling 90% + of each breath in that first second.

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would you?

Would you pick an aggressive alpha male as a sex partner, and NOT tell him you are post op?

I wouldn't.

There is a post op woman that is doing this, 6 that live in the same building ( my old workplace/residence, a cockroach hotel ).
Personally I am suspecting that she is looking to get hurt. :/

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Transgendered Media Personalities

A transgender media personality, like Caitlyn Jenner, is both a good thing and a bad thing for all trans folks.

1) it is great, they raise public awareness in a way that most can't.

2) it is terrible, the money they have gets them surgeries most cannot afford, which leaves us feeling even more depressed and critical about our own appearance.

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oops I shouldn't do that

Stopped for coffee on the way to the doctors this morning, the girl working the register loved my leggings and was shocked at where I got them.

then she got upset because I wear a smaller size than she does.

gotta remember, do NOT tell people I fit Ardene size XS

or in number size 3 or 5 depending on the material.

it isn't my fault fat is allergic to me.
sheesh, I have been struggling to keep my weight over 130 pounds for years.

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I hate weather change

I absolutely detest it when the weather changes, since it causes my copd to act up. :(
Having no energy to do anything but sleep because it is so hard to breathe, just because it started to rain / got dry / got windy / wind dies down ... ( ad nauseum )

then today, we got a wind storm, which broke a window it was so strong. 20 minutes later[ 11:30 am PDT ] CABOOM one of the electrical transformers just behind the building exploded.


11:44 PM and we finally got power back

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oh wow, this was shock

My mom called yesterday, to tell me she had just re-mailed my birthday card [ she put the wrong address on it and it came back ]. We got to talking and she mentioned that she is planning on coming to Montreal with me when get the operation. [ hasn't been scheduled yet ]

I know I have been lucky in the fact my family didn't freak at my transitioning, but this actually shocked me.

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Sex Change on ID in British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada

With this for, filled by your GP, you can get all your ID changed to show the gender you wish.

With this SECOND form added you can get your bc medical card changed.

With both forms, and application for new Drivers license / BCID / BC Services card(s) completed, you only need to send a letter to ICBC head office requesting they amend all your drivers records to remove old names.


Was this Cruel of me?

I received a mail in game [ Damoria browser based RTS game I'm forum mod, server admin and english support for it.]

Here is the GROUP dispatch mail I sent in response, with the original mail:
my reply tops the message

um, you do know that I'm going for the sex change op don't you?

Accolade wrote:
gotcha !

A tough looking group of hairy bikers are riding when they see a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?"


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