Small steps - the final one on the first part of my way

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In a few days I will take the final step on the first part of my way:

After Halloween I'll drop my male disguise completely.
Starting with November everybody will only see Martina, even at work :)



Very Nice

littlerocksilver's picture

The best of luck to you.


Happy journeys

Another step but but it is a doozy.

May your transition be a smooth one.


Wishing luck.

I wish you a safe and loving environment.

I hope all at the office and in your personal life are kind if not totally excepting.
Which I am slowly finding that the ones you do not expect are the one whom get it the best.

Either way, have a good open life in the future.

"Sometimes you need a little space to grow up or start over"- Me

If you haven't done it already,

write a letter to all your work colleagues, stating what you are going to do and why. Invite them to come to you if they have questions or problems with it so you can attempt to explain why you have to do this for yourself.

It's what I did when transitioning at work, and it worked like a charm. I also showed some of them a pic of myself as Cathy. All that helped people begin to adjust and it definitely helped regarding my employer. The letter I wrote is in my blog section. If you would like, I can repost it to give you an example to follow.

I hope everything goes smoothly for you and that your workmates and bosses will be supportive. You GO girl!


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Coming out at work


we will be doing differently. I won't write a letter, because in our department we are working together in a way that everybody sees each other every day.

Next Wednesday morning during our weekly department meeting my manager, together with our diversity manager from HR, will inform my colleagues.
I will not be present at this meeting, that way my colleagues should have it easier to ask general questions.
After that I will be at work for Wednesday afternoon and Thursday (Friday is a holiday) still in my "familiar old disguise", so that my colleagues will have the possibility to ask personal questions outside of a big meeting and without beeing distracted by my new look ;-)

And then is Halloween :-)
