Career Day Part 3

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Hey! I just posted Career Day part 3 over at StarDust. This ends vol. one. It's a complete story but I have more of Lee's tale that I'm working on. So despite my hyperactive muse I hope to get all of The Career Day Saga completed before trying to finish up way too many older stories that needs completion.

Next Weekend I'll post part 3 here at BC. I can't promise I'll have vol. 2 ready or not. We're preparing to move at the end of the month and so things are starting to get a little hectic. Wish us luck!



PS: Sorry about not replying to comments and PM's. More of that Hectic thing again and really wanting to get this one finished! Bye!


Have I ever told you how adorable you are

Andrea Lena's picture

when you're needlessly and sweetly apologetic? Thanks for providing us with entertainment and amusement int the midst of real life pulls, yanks and more than a bit sudden tugs, dear heart. Just make sure you wrap up every single one of your stories before you move and we'll be satisfied beyond measure, aye? Seriously, great story - Thank you! And you are adorable!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena