Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

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I’m sad. I’m very, very sad. I may have written and published my last chapter of “Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?” at least for now.

Why you ask? Life. In the past couple of weeks, school has let out for the summer, and our two grand-kids are with us two days a week. This isn’t a bad thing. We’ve had them here like this every summer for the past five or six years. And, they were here last summer, and work on Tommy went along as usual. But, now we’ve had some other things added to the mix. One of our sons has moved back in with us. Also, my wife’s health has declined.

And, I think my muse is feeling the stress of all of this and has taken a vacation. Because the idea factory has shut off.

I’ve been going back and rereading parts of Tommy in an attempt to jump-start my muse. We’ll see what happens.

I could have written a very lame final chapter, but in no way do I want this story to end that way. I also know if I completely stop now that I’ll leave a few loose ends. And, many sad readers. Not to mention me becoming more depressed than I am now. I love my two lead characters, and I’ll miss all of my characters.

I’m hoping that things will quickly straighten out and my muse will come home. I hope. I hope. I hope.





Monique S's picture

sometimes muses need a vacation, too!

Don't let that depress you, you need your energy for your SO and the kid and grandkids. There is no need to worry. Anyone who is writing here is subjet to Life and knows the difficulties. As the saying goes:

Man plans and the gods laugh.

We never know what their plans are, but I am sure they are not the mischievous to downright nasty kind, who sometimes appear in stories here (mine included).

I wish you all the best and your muse a nice holiday :-)

Monique S

Enjoy the grandkids, love your wife and we'll wait and see

I've been a fan of this tale for quite a while but life often invades fantasy. Hoping you cope with troubles and enjoy victories and are able to come back to the story. Thanks for not killing them all in a lab explosion... I'd rather see a note on the (currently) last chapter that says "on hold for real life" than that. Best wishes!


Thank you for writing 182

Thank you for writing 182 enjoyable chapters and for not writing a lame final chapter.

Take a break and write more when and if you wish to.


I've just read Chapter 182 and seen this post and, like you and others. I'm sad that Life has caused a hiatus to your wonderful story. Again, like others, I wish you well and pray for better health for your lady wife who, if she's like mine, is the major support in your life and is your best ever friend.

We will wait as long as it takes for the story to return but could we/I ask that you occasionally let us know how things are with you and yours so that we can offer you our support?

Until we meet Kai and Ajie again may I wish you and yours all my best wishes and thank you for keeping the story open for continuation as the Eagles would otherwise fly off never to be seen here again.

Brit in France

I've learned so much.

It took me a long time to actually begin to read this story, and when I did, it has been so healing for me. So much of what you wrote in the story is not fictional, and I know this because of my own research that the story triggered. I'm half Cherokee, but as I was growing up, was told never to speak of it because of what the Europeans had done to us.

I'd never felt entirely at peace with my "transgender" diagnosis, and if I had encountered native Americans that practice their version of two spirit, there'd never been any hormones or surgery. I am blessed and healed because of this story. Thank you.

I was at a Powwow, yesterday here in Portland, Oregon, and spoke to many North West Native Americans. Some of their stories were painful and some were not. I ran into a woman who insisted that I could not use the 'Two Spirit' term because I am European, but she begrudgingly stopped her argument when I revealed my own ancestry. Other women I spoke to were friendly and willing to share.

I ran into a couple from Pueblo, NM. who sold me some earrings made by John Begay, and he showed me his makers mark. I think he said that they are Zuni. We talked at length about Navajo matters.

I am happy to wait to see if you write more to this story. If you do not, I am thankful for what you gave.



This has been a wonderful story.......

D. Eden's picture

And I will be sad to see it come to an end, but you need to take care of your priorities. And if you find the sudden impulse to write more, then we’ll be happy to see it!

Take care of your family, and take care of yourself Hon.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Tommy has been a joy to read for a long while

Please know that even if you don't get back to write another chapter that it has been a great gift. Wishing you the best, and hope the extended family situation gives you much joy too. Take care of yourself also.

Thank you, Teddie,

Real life is what we all have to endure ,no matter what ! Thank you so much for the joy that you have given me
with your heart warming story which will always live in my memory .