If Not An Author, Then Perhaps An Activist?

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Blog About: 

I'm a mediocre writer at best, and that fact finally penetrated.

It does appear as if my passion is activism and I spend hours at it every day. Mostly, I blog under a number of different names, about Transgender and Intersex issues, but my real love is researching Belief and the Anthropology of its prehistory. Of course there is the inevitable interference with some Political or Environmental issue, but I won't even attempt to bring any of that in here.

Once in a while I run into someone who is so closed minded and egotistical and the debate so wearing that when it is over I feel broken and lifeless. This was a Genetics issue. Worst seem to be those whose knowledge is decades old and are so hidebound and closed minded that I don't know why I waste my time.

Just venting, having realized that those folk aren't worth my harming myself over. It is so much warmer in here not standing on the rail of the balcony.

Peace to you all.




With age wisdom.

Maybe BC is the safe place missing from your childhood.


Monique S's picture

With awareness out of experience arises knowledge.

Without knowledge arises the need for belief.

Logical consequence: If you discuss beliefs the lack of experience in a believer makes insight for her/him impossible. If you are trying to convince a believer that means you are preaching your own belief (and that is extremel tiring). Otherwise your experience should have taught you a "discussion" it is fultile. Knowledge can only be transferred through experience, that is why most teaching fails. Everything else is just belief.

The word activist means obviously being active (duh), but as what? The only worthwhile activism is living an example, so that people can "follow" and make an experience, thus gain knowledge and discard belief. It also helps towards ones own fulfilment.

Monique S