Strange world

A word from our sponsor:

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I've been in a lot of accidents, bounced around by machinery, always walked away. Sometimes serious scaring but no real damage. On an earlier blog we talked about swimming and I always sank like a rock, never could float. If I wanted on top the water, I stayed in motion. At my height I have never manged to get below 135 once I matured even when I had a twenty one inch waist.

Last Friday the doc sliced my toes open and straightened them on the left foot. No idea what went on but yesterday for a checkup I found out. Everything went good up to a point of trying to pin everything back in place so they didn't deform again while healing. They couldn't put any pins in the bones. Bones are like a sponge with lots of porous holes. Mine aren't. The couldn't pin anything. Several other doctors were called in, none had ever run into bone as dense as mine. It was like stone instead of bone.

When I told our son, he said he had heard it from the doctors Friday when they did the surgery. They wanted a sample to study in the lab but since I was out of it, I couldn't give permission.

Everyone is unique unto themselves among the billions of people on this starship we call earth. Each and everyone of you are special. The person you present to others may or may not be the hidden soul hiding behind the facade one was born with. Whether it is or isn't the choice to be the best one can be given the circumstances rests with each individual.

Next time I visit the VA will be dressed as a pirate as I peg leg it to my appointment. I promise they won't remember every person who passes through. They will remember me, hopefully laughing to themselves when they do. Even if it is to remember the crazy person. Poking fun at the hand we were dealt instead of complaining makes it a whole lot easier to accept.

Am I the only one who got all the jokers in the deck that last shuffle? I don't think so.

Life is a gift. It's just too short to take seriously.



We're just borrowing a little time and space from the reaper ^-

Where'd that rimshot come

Where'd that rimshot come from? Who's playing the drums?

Nicely done, Bru. You should be pun-ished :D

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


BarbieLee's picture

efindumb, the girl doesn't have both feet planted firmly in our world. I strongly suggest not giving her an additional push to the demented side. She's bad enough without any help.

hugs hon, stay warm, stay safe

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I'm sorry...Bru just always

I'm sorry...Bru just always manages to make me laugh. I'm a sucker for a bad joke and Bru somehow manages to hit all of the right notes :D

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


BarbieLee's picture

Nah, Sweetheart. What they implied is starting something with the farm girl may not end up as one predicted. Are you taking notes Mistress of Disguises?

By the way, while we are on the subject of dense, twisted, demented minds..., that last story you posted about brother? buying brother? a dress. I swear I read that puppy over ten times and never did figure out IF we were reading about tomboys or brothers. Refusing to give you the delight of finally handing me a puzzle I couldn't figure out, I never posted a response. There were some long nights mulling over the angles and clues you posted were teasers or miss leaders

Now about that cobalt blue dress I want to borrow...


Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Duly noted - and ignored

As for my latest story I don't consider it among one of my better. When I wrote the story I had a brother and sister in mind, no extra twisting this time. Though, now that you mention it I could have done more. I haver to consider all the angels, sorry I meant all the Angles (and related Saxons).



Daphne Xu's picture

Both the obtuse ones and the acute ones, right? Sometimes it's just best to play it straight.

-- Daphne Xu


Daphne Xu's picture

A right-cute straight obtuse Anglo, perhaps? Wasn't it about that time, when they were invading Britain from the Continent? Maybe he was part of the invading force, hoping to hook up with meet nice Celtic-British girls? As well as girls descendant from the Roman Empire?

-- Daphne Xu

You might be right about that

You might be right about that, all things being equal :D

I'm out of math puns, I hope I didn't take this on a tangent...

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

The Hand You Were Dealt

Daphne Xu's picture

Okay, I'll poke fun at the brain I was dealt instead: it simply drives me out of my mind.

My typoing skills are infamous. "Is this Erioc?" "No, this is Eric."

Something I try to remember slips my mind. Fortunately, this only occurred in my mind, by myself. I kept trying to remember the name of the ancient Greek hero, the guy behind the Achilles Heel. (Oh right... Achilles.)

This occurred in my graduate student office. Setting a flag in a program, I typed "ON NODATA".
Older graduate student corrects it: "No underscore data."
I type, "ON NO_UNDERSCO..."
"Nope, try again." The student falls into uncontrolled, tearful laughter.

Another graduate student came over and asked, "Are you okay?" I'd taken a phone message for him, dating it "June" instead of "January". I would have noticed and corrected it, had I not been under a mild flu.

-- Daphne Xu

speaking of accidents we've all survived

I one had this theory about such occurrences.

The theory is that you/I/we did not survive and instead were transported to another dimension/plane of existence without our knowledge. We just haven't faced the fact... We are in Hell! :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.