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Well, others come here and unload their problems, sometimes at length. So excuse me for doing so, I'll try and keep it short.

I've been running the last 5-6 weeks without the various anxiety and antidepressent meds. Long story that I'm not sure I understand, so I won't dump it on y'all. But the end result is that my doctor won't renew my prescriptions until I come in, and get a bunch of lab work done. I can't afford that, and my medicare is all screwed up. I think their computer is choking on the fact that I can't supply W2s for the last 5 years. If you don't work, you don't have pay records. So now they want all my financial records, bank statements, etc. I can't give them that because I don't have any records. Hey, my parents got Social Security and Medicare, and he was getting a fat retirement payment. So why the stall on me?

More depression on top of depression.

Then, today I was actually in a good mood, something rare to be enjoyed. That lasted about 10 minutes. Then the same person that brought me up ranked the rug out from under me. Leaving me lower than I was to begin with. Should have stayed in bed.

Add: Forgot to mention, in order to read I have to close my right eye. The cataract has gotten bad enough that I get 2 images from my right eye, neither of which match up with my left eye. So - Triple vision, which makes things hella blury. So, one eye only, left one of course.


Sorry to hear that

What can I say? Stuff happens to all of us. I can only offer you some best wishes and some long-distance hugs.

About the cataracts - are you sure that they are actually there? I have had multiple images in each eye for ~25 years now. I get 5 or 6 in each eye, sufficient that without glasses I cannot focus at any distance. It isn't like the usual long- or short- sightedness. More than once my opticians have seen what they said were cataracts, and I have even been to see eye consultants about them.

Recently I have been to a different optician, with more up to date diagnostic equipment, and I have now been told that I don't have cataracts at all. There is nothing untoward with the back of my eye or the lens and the general thought is that these images are caused by scratches on the outside surface of the eye. The kicker is that when I am in really bright light, and the pupil is focused down small, the images are much less or even disappear. That would be consistent if I am then not looking through one of the scratches.

Anyway, enough about me, but if you can, I would find an optician who knows what they are talking about, and explain your problem. Multiple images in a single eye is something that your average high street frame-pusher is clueless about.


Thanks, its covered

My eye doctor is just that, my eye Doctor; as is his wife. I met Dr. D when he treated me yonks ago when the right side of my face got all broken during the assault. Seems the perp got his jollies marking his victims' faces so they'd remember him every time they looked in the mirror. Some damn good work put my face back together so nothing shows. Been going to him ever since. He has gone from a small hole-in-the-wall practice to being a huge sucess. Always up to date with the latest techniques and equipment. Being one of his original patients I get preferental treatment, otherwise routine and yearly exams are done by his staff of optometrists. I always see Dr. D.

Cataracts seem to run in my mother's side of the family. So my having one is no surprise.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


I was "lucky(?)". He switched to using a box cutter on the victims' faces to ensure permanant scars; after it was announced that face-shattering blows would heal with no visable damage.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Medicare help

If you are having trouble with medicare you can go to the hospital where your doctor would have your tests done and ask to speak to a counselor. They deal with medicare all the time and can get the right forms filled out. They can call medicare and speak the language to explain problems. This is free service at my local hospital but I can't guaranteed it will be where you live.

Problem not solution

I already owe the hospital a large chunk of money so I'm on a cash up front for nonemergency situations. Due to the way things are set up, any treatment that would be billed to medicare is going to require getting through the screwed-up application process.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Not sure I understand

Frank's picture

I'm a bit confused. Medicare is just medical, there is no income issues related to it. Social Security is the money side for retirement or disability.

Are you meaning Medicaid? That is managed by the state and would be based on income.



State problems

My state refused all the money they were offered by the feds. Our republican governor made quite a big deal out of it, we were refusing any federal money that came through the ACA and Obama. So, all the federal money is paid directly to the state, and Medicaid hands it out. Oh, Medicaid is broke, so they aren't paying anybody. Being set up that way, I have to get through the Medicaid rules before I can get Medicare. I'd skip Medicaid if I could, but it isn't possible.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin