Taking a break.

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With the posting of the fourth episode of "County Sheriff", I am taking a break from posting stories. I have two more multi-part stories ready to post but as I'm going on holiday in a couple of weeks, I decided that they can wait until I return.

I'm off to Corsica and Sardinia on my Motorcycle with a bunch of other like minded riders. Two long days to go down through France and then overnight to Corsica.
I'll be back in the UK for the 'Fully Charged - Live' event at Silverstone 9/10 June.
Once I'm recovered from the travelling I'll start posting again. Who knows eh? My trip might give me some ideas for more tales....



Have fun.......

D. Eden's picture

But be careful. It sounds like a wonderful trip, and hopefully you will have good weather.

Looking forward to your return!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Maddy Bell's picture

crashing into stuff this time eh?

be safe



Madeline Anafrid Bell

I'll try.... Honest

The insurance on that 'event' is still not settled. It turns out the the other party had let their insurance lapse... sigh.

Just a word of warning to anyone planning on taking a vehicle to France. You need to buy a certificate of compliance to prove that your vehicle is not a polluter. You 1947 Massey Fergusson tractor is excempt by the way... as are all agricultural vehicles.

You need to apply at


Typical of the French, implimenting a rule and not telling anyone about it and then raking in the fines. A26 Rhiems-Calais seems to be a hot spot at the moment.
The fine is £117 or around 140 Euros.
If you go into Paris, Lyon and a number of other cities then you will need the 'thing on your windscreen'. But I have it on good authourity that even the French are ignoring it but I'm sure the Polis won't pass up an opportunity to fleece a few tourists.
Even if you go from Dover to Calais and then head into Belgium you are supposed to have a certificate....