Better Late or Better Avoidance!

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Well its been a better second part of the week - a couple of short bike rides (80km and 135km!) and slightly better weather - well its got above 0c a few times even if I still feel a bit out of sorts.

The next Gaby chapter, Filmed, is now up for reading and i'll get cracking on the next instalments this week in the prelude to Gab's birthday next Sunday.

In the meantime, here's an extract from Avoidance 2 just to get the juices going!

"We’ve got a table reserved,” I told Anna as we stowed the shopping in the cool box, milk, butter and well, some chocolate. I couldn’t resist okay.
"Not too posh is it?”
"Nah, bit like the Sebenschuh’s.”
"What time?”
"Best tell the others,” our leader stated.

"Why’re we walking?” Bridg whined.
"Don’t want to fall off on the way back,” Con told her.
Heidi tittered behind us.

I think we made quite a sight, not exactly done up to the nines but certainly everyone had nice frocks on, hair looking decent and a coat of makeup – some of us more than others. Rather than the direct route Con and I shepherded our gaggle of youth a longer way around so we’d arrive like the pair of us did earlier. Not that anyone, except Bridg of course, was complaining, it was a pleasant evening, still mid twenties and it felt good to just be here.

"So where is this place?” Nen asked when we got to the car park.
"Just here,” Con deadpanned.
"Where?” Steff queried.
"Think big,” I suggested.
"Er guys,” Anna mentioned, "Over here.”
"Really?” Pia enquired.
"We are on the Weinstraße,” I pointed out, "Come on.”
And so the Ahr Angels plus two descended on the Riesenfaß, I hope they’re ready for us!

"That was flippin’ excellent!” Bridg announced as we wove our way back towards our beds.
High praise indeed.
"You shouldn’t have got on the table Gab,” Pia suggested.
"I took my shoes off.”
"I thought they were gonna kick us out,” Nen told us.
"And lose the free entertainment?” Heidi opined, "You’ve got a right set of lungs on you Gab, you should be in a band or something.”
"She is,” Con announced, "You heard of BlauHase?”
"My brother is into them,” Donna advised, "They just got a new singer right?”
Con and several others pointed at me.
"I’m not really in the band,” I protested.
"You sang at Moselfest,” Pia accused.
“’S right,” Anna agreed, "Told me so yourself.”

Yup, we were certainly at least half cut, the wine was cheap and palatable, I'll be ill later I'm sure but isn’t this what this week of unparented holidaying about?

Our Bacchanalian excesses earnt us some reprimand when we got back to the campsite, a strongly worded request for us to adjust the volume downwards, put a slight dampener on the mood. Some of our party were keen to keep the party going which is how we ended up sat around one of the lakeside picnic benches.

"Them boys are real lightweights,” Donna moaned, not for the first time since we returned.

There were some mumbles of agreement, we had sort of expected them to be about when we got back, several of our party were disappointed, hoping for a repeat of the previous night. Well okay, I wouldn’t’ve minded a bit of tonsil hockey with Ernst but I got the feeling one or two of our number were hoping to take things to the next level. No, not me, as if that's gonna happen, like ever!

Gaby book 22.2 cover.JPGdiv>

So ttfn
more on Wednesday!