Dipping my toe in again

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I know. I've been away too long.

So long, in fact, that the vast majority of people probably don't remember I was ever here. Regardless, it seemed about the right time to make my presence known.

Those of you who follow me on Facebook already know the drama. For the rest of you, I can only say I'm glad this year is, at long last, coming to a close. Since August 2016, I've had to endure two broken bones in a six-month period, a bout of pneumonia that had me bedridden and on oxygen for four days, and an abcessed tooth that had to be removed because I didn't have the money to save it. That, and the long recovery since, have caused me to retreat from the world a bit--much of that recovery has been spent obsessively watching YouTube videos. I'd sooner not mention the number of obscure rabbit holes I've stumbled into on that site--that would probably require an entry of its own. I'll say this, however--there are some truly scary people there. And that's just in the comments section.

Oh, I have had some brief moments of productivity--just not in the area of writing. I've been trying to get my drawing skills back up to speed, and I've been putting together a submission package for a comic strip featuring a transgender girl. The territory has been well-explored online, but I've added the twist that she's disabled as well. When I can get those strips to a level of quality that's acceptable to me, I'll post some samples here.

In the meantime, I expect the new year to be one in which I rekindle my enthusiasm for writing. I've rather missed it this past year or so.


Sorry to hear

Angharad's picture

that you've been ill, hope you're well and truly on the mend. Good to see you here again.

Take care and have a Merry Christmas.
