No Wildcats

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As you may have notices, there is no chapter of The Wildcats this week, due to the double posting last week. Leslie is hard at work on the next chapter, and you will see it next Friday.

Any of you who are needing a Wildcats fix should go back and check that you read both Chapter 23 and 24. The numbers for Chapter 23 are only about half of what 24 (and prior chapters) got. It looks like a lot of people saw the two units posted close together, and assumed that they were duplicates, so only read 24.

If you did read both ... hey read one again.

Dawn Natelle



D. Eden's picture

Missing my weekly fix!

This is an outstanding story Hon - keep it coming!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Working As Hard As We Can

Dawn is right. Due to my error (the buck stops here), Chapter Twenty-Four was published last week along with the intended Chapter Twenty-Three. Chapter Twenty-Five was just sent out to the two editors, Dee and Eric. It will appear on schedule next week. Don't blame Dawn who continues to work on her own story, River, and produce The Wildcats for publication here.

I just scribble down what the characters tell me to write. I have the easy job. LM

Not blaming anyone Hon.......

D. Eden's picture

Just Jonesing for a fix, lol.

That's what happens when you find a good story, a good author, and a good editorial team. You've all spoiled us!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus