me naughty

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got Dr. Brassard on my case today, for doing to much.

I only had my backpack with lappy in it on my shoulder and he says that is over-exerting myself.


over exertion is a term loved by all doctors of all types.

MadTech01's picture

I have a back injury in my thorasic region of my back. Got rear ended by a truck doing over 60 mph, I was stopped. after my back went completely out the doctor gave me a long speech about not to ever carry more than 25 lbs, ever again, unless i wanted more pain. Well I being your typical stubborn 6'3" 350 lbs male exceeded that a few times each time I regretted it instantly but I was usually lifting 50 lbs or more. I carried my laptop everywhere at the times still do, but the doctor made my take my backpack and set in on a scale and remove extra items i carried in it till it was under 25 lbs. pain was better for a long time now almost 10 years later my back is giving me grief. But even if they are over protective of you it is better than your recovery being delayed or a stitch tearing and creating un welcome complications.

"Cortana is watching you!"


dawnfyre's picture

Dr Brassard told me he would rather have to work to restrain my activities than work to motivate me into being active.

those who won't get up and be active tend to have more serious problems later on due to their inactivity than those who he had to restrain from overdoing it, since their activity levels increase after the critical healing time has passed.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

They try to strike that balane.

MadTech01's picture

I have heard that from many physical therapists. that is why many people refer to them as Sadistic Ba****ds/Bi**hes". It is there Job that after the critical healing is done to push you in the rehab period and get you to do what you need to do but at the same time keep you from pushing so hard you get hurt. If they stick you in physical therapy look for one who has a good personality just like a doctor with a good bedside manner it can make a lot of difference.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Get a wheeled bag

Then you don't have to carry the [redacted] thing.
When I travel my carry on bag is always wheeled.
This is especially true for my camera kit. This comes in at around 24Kg. It includes a 200-400mm F4 Lens, two DSLR bodies and 5-6 other pro lenses to the weight is to be exptected.

Go search for "laptop bags with wheels" on Amazon and take your pick.
IT will really save the old back.

But Doctor's Lingo

Is so much mud to most people, and doctors need to stick their heads out once in a while. The doctor didn't grasp what working 12 hr shifts with no days off really meant. As a result, at the insistence of the company and with the doctor's cooperation they dumped me back in the rat race long before I was physically capable. I'd racked up so many call-in late demerits I was tip-toeing on the fine edge. Two weeks later the new owners announced our plant was closing and nobody really gave a shit about my demerits. And the doctor at the physical therapy tried to get on my ass about doing too much. I had to remind him that I'd tried to explain it but he had sabatoged me by following the company's wishes. I figured I was pretty much bulletproof by then and gave the doctor hell. After all, what were they going to do, fire me?

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin