Bruce Springsteen cancels show

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It seems the Boss is backing the campaign to overturn the ridiculous law passed in North Carolina about public toilets and biological sex - didn't know toilets had a biological sex - says a lot about me as an ecologist! But then this is North Korea, I mean Carolina - are they the same people who are trying to build a missile to hit the US? I thought North Carolina was in the US, just as well I don't teach geography. Anyway, Bruce Springsteen has cancelled his concert there presumably because they are wanting to build a missile to blow up transgender toilets or something - read it yourselves.


He could have got

Angharad's picture

a transgender act to support him. That might have stirred things up. Anyway, if the Republicans win the election which toilet will their top supporter Caitlyn Jenner use? (I'm tempted to say a bush round the back but George may not like it).


There's More To It Than That

It's not a simple difference of views. It's a group that has power choosing to deny rights to a group that they believe doesn't have power likely for different reasons than have been stated publicly. The Feds are looking at withholding funding of various types from North Carolina and other states that have passed similar laws. Businesses are responding because of what their employees and customers are telling them (both for and against). You can choose not to support artists and businesses who don't support your views (I have). Decisions have consequences for all of us as North Carolina is finding out.


waif's picture

You have some valid points, as well as a few that I disagree with. All corporations and governments are hypocrites. I have no more faith in our Federal government actually following through on this threat rather than just posturing. As to PayPal and Hulu, I truly believe they would sell to Hitler if they believed that it would improve their market share.

If you really want to make a difference in the law, stop waiting for someone else to do something and make your own statement.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

You think that the rednecks

You think that the rednecks there are going to seriously just disagree politely with trans individuals? I think that is ridiculous honestly. And you make blanket statements against Muslims and you don't realize that there are a number of us that are LGBTQI+ but that would disrupt your mindset it seems. To paraphrase a certain prophet, 'why don't you take the plank out of your own eye so you can see the speck of sawdust in your brother's?'

Samirah M. Johnstone

Perhaps it would be better to

Perhaps it would be better to talk about "Countries in which they practice Sharia Law", except for the fact that the only countries that do such as a matter of course are Muslim?

There are LGBT in _every_ religion, race, creed, sex, and country. It's in every bi-gendered species as well (as far as I've studied. At least the homosexual part.) The problem isn't when a religion/faith takes a dislike to something - it's when they use that dislike to drive political processes.

Don't complain about all Muslims being tarred with the same brush as the Radicals until you can get the Moderates to stand up and make as much noise. One customer who complained about it(Indian, but fluent in Arabic, the Koran, etc), once I explained that same concept to him, sat down and thought about it for a few minutes, and agreed that it was a problem in Islam. We see lots of people running away, we see constant instances of the radicals - but the moderates don't seem to be willing to step up in public - because of fear of the radicals targeting them. Legitimate fear, but it gives the radicals credibility as "the true Islam".

I don't know if there's a way to fix it short of everyone abandoning/destroying Islam, and building something new (Martin Luther and his ninety-five theses did this to Catholicism). Other religions seem to have managed to develop tolerance over time - look at the Mormons for an example. Their first 75 years or so was NASTY, but they've gotten a lot better since then. Most "Christian" sects are a lot better than their origins as well. I don't know how Zoroastrians are - anyone here know? Buddhists... hard to say, as they're as varied as Christianity. A religion based upon the society of a group of people who dealt heavily in slaves, treated women as chattel, and fought between their clans at the drop of a hat? I don't know.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

We are not merely talking

Andrea Lena's picture

about ideology, but about people. Samirah is quite right in expressing disappointment, since we can only speak for ourselves, yes? She certainly understands what it is like living in the shadow of rejection, and like many of us need this place to be one of inclusion and hope, yes? Most of the seven or so billions of folks who dwell on this planet have some faith or another, and virtually all of them do speak out in one way or another, even if it is not broadcast or in print. We all can agree that laws such as those passed in North Carolina and Mississippi do sadly indeed reflect rejection of an era unfortunately not bygone. Hopefully compassion and sanity will overcome ignorance; from whomever and wherever it may aris.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Bruce Springsteen isn't a corporation.

Or, at least, technically he probably is, for taxing and business purposes, but for practical applications he's an individual.

See, here's the thing the "religious freedom" rulemongers don't seem to understand: everyone, EVERYONE, in this country, already had religious freedom allowing them to not do business with people of other creeds, genders, and races than they're comfortable with. To wit, if you don't want to do business with black people, or gay people, or Pagan people or HIV-positive people or whatever, you're already perfectly legally allowed to make that choice by not taking a job where you have to. It's as simple as that. Nobody forces you to work, and nobody forces you to contractually obligate yourself to the standards of any corporation. On the other hand, by joining a corporation you are committing yourself, contractually, to following the same rules that corporation is required to, and most jobs -- including, and rightfully so, government positions -- are de facto required to serve any and everyone.

It really is that simple. You don't want to do something, don't take a job that requires it, because there are plenty of other jobs and opportunities out there where you can pursue your personal agenda without harming the welfare or access to services of others. Instead, however, we have individuals thinking that their personal views dictate what the government and corporations should require them to do regardless of the contractual obligations of said entities, and that's where we get into the issues we're having now. For government and businesses, being diverse in your acceptance policies, open to all walks of life, isn't just ethically commendable, but financially preferrable, since it grants a business with more opportunities to distribute wares (thereby profiting,) and gives the government a greater number of individuals likely to benefit from its oversight, and in the long run allows that government greater power (and profits too.)

So, in short, as an individual it's perfectly within Bruce's rights to refuse anyone and anything he wants on the level of personal convictions because he isn't representing an industry or a company or a government, only his own views. It's the same reason it was fine for Ray Charles to refuse to play for segregated crowds, too. Heck, for that matter it's also why it's financially more sound of businesses -- regardless of the personal ethical views of CEOs and such -- to side with diversity over narrow-mindedness because it opens them up to a larger market base as a whole, giving more profit opportunities, which is why any recording or booking businesses The Boss works with are unlikely to penalize him for this either, since his choice pushes a financially sound agenda for them.

Melanie E.

It would be great be able to

It would be great be able to refuse to work for someone who is bigoted against *big breath* chinks, queers, gooks, wops, dagos, lezzies, honkies, niggers, pinkos, commies, nips, trash, sluts, rednecks, fags, geeks, nerds, wetbacks, frogs, redskins, morons, gays, cocksuckers, carpet munchers, sissies, squint-eyes, jerries, VC, tommies, chicanos, limeys, huns, spics, kikes, or whatever other charged epithet you can come up with. Unfortunately, the laws specifically preclude finding that out until it's too late - and you're already dealing with the bigot in question. That's one of my biggest complaints about "reverse racism", also called "affirmative action". You aren't allowed to have complete information before making a decision.

In fact, HR people will _lie_ to you. I think that an inability to tell the truth is a requirement to work in HR.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I don't have a problem with corporations having a policy

that their workers have to serve any and every-one, regardless of their personal convictions. Again, if you didn't want to do that, you shouldn't sign up to work for the company to begin with, and if you DO accept the job knowing you'll be serving people you dislike or disagree with then it is your responsibility to live up to the expectations of the job regardless of your personal convictions; otherwise, quit.

Melanie E.

Two Points Here

Re: What has been going on in NC. It seems to me that what you are saying is since we can't simltaneosly change everywhere we shouldn't try and change the things we can change. That doesn't work for me, sorry. The Serenity Prayer fits in here:

God (insert diety of choice) grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

You can remove the religious aspect and it is still a pretty good rule for life.

Secondly: This new law they passed has turned around and bite them. It makes it legal to break the contract. All he has to say is that he is uncomfortable because of the state's law and Boom!!! He is off the hook.

I'm tired of taking the high road or turning the other cheek. The high road is a steep climb and turning the other cheek only gets both cheeks bruised.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.


LOL from someone stuck in North Korea - er North carolina