Quick Question

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Ok first of all, yes I'm still alive and kicking, just been taking the whole writing thing pretty slow as of late. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row with it actually. Which of course brings me to this blog. I thought I'd ask you---the readers---what you wanted. So here's the question:


Please reply if you can, I'm really torn on what to do next :(



super hero's and aliens

How about both ! The aliens can change sex's or maybe they could help someone who believe they should be some other sex and some of the hero's. Don't like it. Just thought I pass it on to you

alien tech

I'm thinking a secret good guy group. finds some alien tech and uses to change people(mostly willingly) in a effort to shake up the world and shatter all the barriers we put up in society. gender, age, looks and race. Some people could even come out with powers.

I'd write this myself but my writing stinks.

Jessica Marie.

Alien superheroes!

Alien superheroes!

Qrk!*ckl, whose four legs and four arms are able to stretch enormously, and his partner Prt**lx, whose top two eyes can put evil doers into estivation, reducing their ability to fight back.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Perhaps changed by alien technology. I love a bit of Sci-Fi thrown into a superhero story.


Thanks God!

"I'm still alive" - thanks God! And regarding your question Heroes or Superaliens? In my oppinion, and this is imho, sorry, I guess to transition and to live in real world without any help and/or super possibilities is more heroic than with the help of aliens. By the way I'm still hoping and waiting for "Just roll..." Sorry.

Just Roll With It

Or the proposed title for Book 2 "Just Keep Rolling." I, too, have read a lot of superhero stories. I like them, but I'm ready for something different. The situation introduced in "Just Roll With It" was different and I'd like to see where EOF takes it.

Oh yes, that was to be continued wasn't it?

Yes, a continuation of it would be most welcome.

But what EoF is suggesting is that his muse is taking him in another direction so let's hope he still has it on his radar.

Well, this might not help,

but whatever you DO write, I will read it and enjoy it. I've always liked what your imagination and talent graciously gave to us to read, so whatever you give us, trust me, I'll like it!

So, either/or. Both suit me fine and thanks for the work you have done in the past. I'm certain your future works will equal or exceed what you''ve already done.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Why not both?

Page of Wands's picture

*points to J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter.*

Or Superheros vs. Aliens! *points to the first "Avengers" movie*

But if you wanna go with one or the other, I'd say aliens; there's a lot of superhero stuff around already.


Euh not, Like both sets or a combination of them. MiB, invatson, Supergirl, ... as long as I can 'get in' the story I don't have any preferences.


People might like both

But imho, let's choose one or the other so maybe we may have the possibility of two stories instead one one. With that in mind, I would prefer superheroes.

You Did Ask

Your writing is good enough that I'll read whatever you do. Given my choice, I'd like to see aliens since I'm about burnt out on superheros.

Good luck



erin's picture



= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

bout time

bout damned time you resurfaced,also -kicks- you have many unfinished superhero stories why not finish one of them? Or finish a dark relams tale or many of your other stories you got half completed. Atleast with Just roll with it we got a whole book atleast :P. You know I'll read just about anything ya post. But would really like to see some of your other stuff finished.

Isn't the most famous

First- welcome back, I hope your time away has been well spent and enjoyable.

Second isn't the most famous superhero of all time actually an alien? :D

Aliens allow you to do things that aren't normal or realistic yet still believable, superheros allow you to do things that can be mystical, magical, technological, scientific etc because there is a suspension of disbelief right away.

If you do a superhero story you need to have an equally strong supervillain in addition to the storyline. If you do an alien story you don't have that restriction, you can have more freedom to make it about anything but may be best if narrowed to a small group of people or just one person.

To be honest I would prefer an alien story if only because I don't want to fight my inner fanboy whenever reading the story.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Aliens or superheroes/

we just went out to the nicest eatery in town for their world famous specialty, cleaned the plates, and now you asked for the desert cart to stop by. HOW can you expect me to make a choice? But then again, HOW can I turn it down by NOT making a choice?

Everything of yours is enjoyable even after the nth number of times I've re-read it. Please add something to your treasure trove. In the meantime I'll take that plate on top.
