Utah judge removes child from lesbian foster parents

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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr these kinds of judges are disturbing



Andrea Lena's picture

Hoagland and Peirce told CBS affiliate KUTV that they are distraught after the ruling that calls for the baby girl they have been raising for three months to be taken away within a week.

They said Judge Johansen cited research that children do better when they are raised by heterosexual couples. Hoagland believes the judge actually imposed his religious beliefs.

"We are shattered," she told the station. "It hurts me really badly because I haven't done anything wrong."

The women, who are legally married, were approved after passing home inspections, background checks and interviews with the DCFS. They hope to adopt the baby and have the support of the child's biological mother.

Judge Johansen is precluded by judicial rules from discussing pending cases, Utah courts spokeswoman Nancy Volmer said.

Sumner said she can't speak to specifics of the case but confirmed that the couple's account of the ruling is accurate -- the judge's decision was based on the couple being lesbians. The agency isn't aware of any other issues with their performance as foster parents.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Do tall or short people make better parents?

Rhona McCloud's picture

The judge's logic is flawed if he is citing a study that shows children raised by heterosexual couples do better. First he needs to define `better’ and second determine a causal relationship. Correlation is not cause.

Rhona McCloud

Terminating my relationship with the Mormons

That's it. The news I hear from members is that about 27% of their members are in favor of SSM, and it seems like every member I talk to has a relative or friend who is lesbian or gay. They are open to some transgender folk, but they are only permitted bottom tier membership.



sure why not rip a child from a loving stable

i have seen several

Teresa L.'s picture

versions of this article, in at least one of them, the head of the Social Services said they were deciding whether this order was LEGAL or not, based on the fact the parents have passed all inspections, background checks, home inspections, etc, and the birth mother wants the child with this couple.

this judge seems to be using the bench to enforce his religious views, whether they are mormon, catholic, etc. while a judge may have religious views, they are NOT supposed to influence his decisions MORE than law (some say not at all, but humans are NOT built that way).

Teresa L.

Sorry, Teresa

We live in a secular country. A judge's ruling is supposed to be based on the law. Nothing else. If the judge's ruling is based in whole or even in part on extraneous factors such as his religious beliefs than the ruling should be overturned and the judge censured. Religion has no place in court, or anywhere else for that matter.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Utah is *almost* like Vatican City

Puddintane's picture

Mormons outnumber "gentiles" (Yes, that's the word) by large margins, with a largish cadre of non-Mormons infesting Salt Lake City. There is a long history of non-compliance with secular law in and around the state, including those who still practise "plural marriage," and large numbers of posthumous plural marriages foisted upon the dead. As a matter of doctrine, a "binding" eternal marriage is required in order to enter the highest order of Heaven, so the charitable thing to do is to offer polygamous (and rarely) polyandrous marriages by proxy to those who haven't taken full advantage of all the levels of service available, so don't be surprised if you arrive in Heaven and find yourself married to one or more spouses you'd thought long gone off into the wider world. Note that only one will count (probably), but you and your (possibly many) potential eternal spouses will have your pick.

Ain't life grand?




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Not Naive

I am not naive, I'm well aware of the influence religion has on government, both in Utah and here in Oklahoma, as well as other states. I'm just saying that according to law it shouldn't. Many instances of being biased in favor of religion are not readily apparent, but in a case such as this the bias is both obvious and extreme. I think it is long past time for the Religious Reich to receive a big slapdown, and this is a good place to start.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

It's disturbing

Angharad's picture

rather than surprising. I hope for all concerned he can be overruled by a higher court.


Very disturbing

gillian1968's picture

A very bad ruling.
I hope it gets overturned.

I'm curious how it even got into the courts.

Since they're hoping to adopt, I wonder if it was a preliminary custody hearing.

Gillian Cairns

Order rescended

Apparently he just reversed his order this morning.


The Utah Judge has revised his order terminating custody...

Puddintane's picture

...and eliminated his bogus claims that living with lesbians is harmful, but has continued his bogus claim that children do better in heterosexual households, asking the adoption agency to reconsider their placement decision while taking into account the "studies" that prove his point.

On the other hand, it's very clear that almost all cases of childhood sexual abuse are perpetrated by male family members, quite often a parent, sibling, or other male relative, somewhere between eighty and ninety percent.

Surely the logical corrolary is that households with fewer males in them are safer for children overall.





A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style