I wonder if

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I've been watching the show I Am Jazz. I wonder if Jazz reads TG stories. Perhaps from this site. The same question applies to Caitlyn Jenner. I wonder if they know about this site and have ever checked out stories?


Good Questions

GypsyWoman's picture

If they don't someone should send them the link. This site is quite good.

Kat H

Who knows?

wolfjess7's picture

I wouldn't put it past the directors for I AM Jazz to have read more than one of the stories either here or one of the other TG Sites. As for Caitlyn Jenner I don't know nor would I put forth a conjectur as to what she reads or does for entertanment.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Possibly not

It was many years before I understood that the possibility of trangender fiction even existed.

Until then I had taken note of stories where such things happened and just accepted it as part of the world of literature.

It was only when I was forced to stop work through ill-health and thus had time to spend surfing the Interwebs that I discovered, to my amazement, that there was a whole category of stories I could personally relate too.

I was even more amazed when I found that I could write them, too.

So it is entirely possible that neither of those people know we exist. Is that how it ought to be? After all, we're trying to prove that we are a legitimate part of society, aren't we? Why would anyone think that special sites containing only transgender stories exist? I didn't.


me too

I wonder things like that too. But I don't worry about it. I know that I am really happy I found this site!! The TG themed stories pulled me in but it is the awesome authors that keep me coming back. I do find it cool that three of my favorite authors replied to the post by another of my favorites right after I left a post on her latest story!

Hugs to all Jeri

Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.


It's possible.

K.T. Leone mentioned that she was doing something with the transgender Navy SEAL woman. Well, I think it was K.T.

If not, someone from this site mentioned working with her.

-- Sleethr

I doubt it

Angharad's picture

too busy living their lives. On a really busy day I only visit to post stuff, either a story or a blog to say why I didn't have time. I should imagine Ms Jenner is still on a high after the mostly positive reaction and negotiating her next appearances. They don't need imaginary or fictional excitement/drama they tend to live it and seemingly enjoy it. I prefer a more mundane existence of stealth.
