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Last Sunday, I was floored several times.

Sally asked, "Should you not take it easy on your leg?" [right lower]

"Why do you ask?"

"Your sister called us. She is worried about you walking everywhere and cutting your grass."

"Which sister? Remember, Dixie & I are on the out ever since she ran up a $400 phone bill on me."

"I don't know, She talked to Jane."

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Being A Crucifer, Serving GOD

A few weeks ago, Steven Miller[student pastor] asked me to do the Scripture Reading in the Traditional Service.
I said I would. I thought, "Why not?" I have been apart of the service before.
Boy, was I ever scared. Then the girl to be the Acolyte [ Haliegh ] was running late.
I had been helping them to get ready by telling them when it was time to get in the robes.
Well, Jerri,[the lady in charge of the acolytes] was ready to let me help out.
Now, I had had no training, I was going at it "cold turkey." Was I ever frightened!!!!

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The Darkness

There is a "Darkness" that intrudes into our souls
It takes on many forms and torments us until we can overcome it.

Some call this "Darkness" Satan, or other symbols of "Ultimate Evil."

Some call it The "ID" or "Super Ego".

Some totally ignore the religious aspect and focus upon the "Facts."

By whatever method used, There is hope in battling the "Darkness."

Even when it changes, We can "Over Come."

For when it changes, we have achieved a "Victory."

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Doctor's Referral

I went to see the doctor. The appointment was at 1:00 P.M. We get in there only to find out that he refuses to operate!!!
Reason; I had Gastric Bypass. He does not do that procedure. I have to go to a doctor that does both Hernias AND Gastric Bypass. Talk about wasted time!!!
Now I have to call my doctor for yet ANOTHER referral!! Can you believe it????! Has anything like this happened to you guys???

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Doctor's Visit

I went to get a referral to see a doctor about my hernia. I had a gastric by-pass operation to reduce my weight 5 years ago.The hernia soon appeared. It does not hurt except for when I est something that upsets my stomach. While there, I found out that I was taking pills for nerves, hypertension and vitamins, it had been several months since I had last went.

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Thank You Sephrena

I found out from Sephrena that I was about to be banned. She contacted me and we talked about the Big Closet family. She told me about the unwritten rules that applied to posting stories as well the nature of the many members here. She told me how many members are outcasts in society and the many problems faced by the family.

I was shocked to find out how many here are mistreated by society. My family, I hereby vow to uphold the ideas of the family. To those I have wronged, I ask foregiveness to those who are my friends, patience for when I mess up.


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Christian by Maya Angelou

When I say... "I am a Christian", I am not shouting "I'm clean livin'"

I'm whispering " I was lost,now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not trying to be strong.

I am professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not bragging of success.

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