
Rhapsody in (T)G Major ~ Part 4

What would you do if were a sixteen year-old boy and you woke up one morning with makeup that just won’t come off? That is the dilemma that Landon Parker is facing. And that is only the beginning

Part Four: Reality Hits

The Queen ~ 1

This is the continuing saga of a once lost and orphaned boy—now a Princess in her own right—and her journey to become Queen of the Elves.

Author’s Note: If you have not read ‘The Waif’ and ‘The Princess’, it is highly recommended you start there—otherwise the events of this story will not make complete sense.

Part One: Preparations

The Waif ~ 1

This is the story of a lost and orphaned child—and how he comes to find himself.

NOTE: This is the story that came to me as I wrote ‘The Bestseller’—the story that Barbie penned to illustrate her transformation. I love the fantasy genre, but have never really attempted to write much in it—I hope this does it justice!

Part One: The Beginning


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