Abigail Tudai

On Call


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Synopsis: Brad feels trapped in his life as a corporate lawyer and yearns for something better out of life, like the handsome doctor next door. When his wife is called in to work overtime, he becomes his alter ego, Nurse Brandy, and is always ready for the doctor to make a house call.

On Call - Part 1

On Call
Abigail Tudai

Synopsis: Brad feels trapped in his life as a corporate lawyer and yearns for something better out of life, like the handsome doctor next door. When his wife is called in to work overtime, he becomes his alter ego, Nurse Brandy, and is always ready for the doctor to make a house call.

New Erotica Title available for Kindle

Hi guys and girls. I'm not really new here but since this is my first time publishing I thought I would let you know that there is new Erotica on Kindle. The book is called "On Call" by Abigail Tudai. It really is hot and steamy and a whole lot of fun about what Brad does when his nurse wife leaves him to his own devices and the handsome doctor next door pays a visit.

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Next Goal Wins - Jaiyah Saelua

Today, Sat 3rd May 2014 - the Telegraph Sports section has an article by Simon Briggs about their transgender 'fa'afafine' centre-half Jaiyah Saelua and her skills and effort in the team. The film was supposed to be about the nearly farcical American Samoa football (soccer) team.

Quote "How useful this film could be in breaking down the blinkered culture of professional football. Even by the standards of its peers, the sport suffers from alarmingly primitive values. ..... It is hard to imagine a better role model for this stiflingly masculine game"

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