
A Second Letter from a (Formerly) Broken Toy

A Second Letter from a (Formerly) Broken Toy

To the person who abused me:

I wrote you a letter some time ago, and today I felt compelled to write another.

You see, things have changed for me. I have recovered most of the memories I suppressed and I understand better what happened to me while I was in your “care.”

My Life Transgendered

Let me begin by saying that this life is not a game. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or heterosexual crossdressing. It is about finding happiness and peace within myself. I am a woman who was born into the body of a male. I know many people will say that that notion is totally off the wall, but it is true. The majority of the population can look in the mirror and know without a doubt that they are male or female.The underlying myth that prevails is that external sex organs are the only way to tell whether someone is male or female.This assumption is false.


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