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The Family that Plays Together, part 05 of 10

There was no reason I should have to put up with all this nonsense just because I was female; Mom and Taylor never took half this long to get ready, even on fancy occasions. (Mom wore her hair short, I reflected, which might be a factor.)

Havens Salvation Chapter 6-1 Friday

Havens Salvation
6-1 Friday

When James met Ann on the plains of Scotland.

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf

Previously in Havens Salvation

Having learned just what the Morrigan plans are for Betty James takes time to sup with his patron Goddess rekindling there relationship.

Betty runs where angels fear to tread. She starts to successfully repair the barrier protecting Haven while discovering that it is an intelligence in and of its self. The effort leaves Betty spent and unable to work until Thursday when sh got on with her Job as the new township manager. Searching for the papers necessary to save Havens incorporation Betty finds another mystery from Havens past. Two boxes from the American war department from WW2 and the Cold war respectively. These boxes as interesting as they are need to wait until the charter is safe.

Athena's Wisdom - Issue 4

*** Author’s Note: Please feel free to give feedback. Positive or Negative. Even if it’s through a PM. All of it is desperately wanted. I’ve had a lot of problems since the last part was posted. If you’re reading this, thank you so much for sticking with me. ***

Somewhere Else Entirely -107-

Garia resumes her exercise regime, this time with Eriana as an interested spectator. After lunch a 'Council of War' is held where she finds out how Palarand intends to fight back against Yod and makes an unconventional suggestion. Later, conversations are held with Rosilda and then the King at which the latter drops a bombshell.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

107 - The Sixth Quadrant

A Friend in Need Part 8

A Friend in Need
Part 8. Tony's Story I

This is the story from Tony's point of view, it starts before the change when Tony was Christina, goes through the change when Tony and Christina become each other and carries on with Tony now fully a 6' male starting out on his new life. There is a lot of the content of the other stories but seen from the new Tony's point of view.

I will try to keep the different genders and changes to the protagonists as simple as I can,
If you have not read the rest of the episodes of this it may not make a lot of sense but may stand alone as a story

Winter's Child: Chapter 9

Mitsuo is a promising martial artist and dating the most popular girl in school. Life seems perfect until his sixteenth birthday when he comes into his mother's heritage and his father's curse.


Winter's Child
Chapter 9
Cat Fight

“We’re both fine Mom,” I responded, stressing the one word. “I wanted to do some cage fighting, but she wanted to eat ice cream so we just finished doing that instead. Kasumi isn’t the reckless aunt you told me about. Oh wait, you didn’t.”

The Court-Martial of Samus Aran (Epilogue)

* Author’s Note: I played fast and loose with some Metroid history, but I thought this little vignette was fun. *

Galactic Federation Base Zeta-F

Courts-Martial Proceedings

Galtor VII

“Counselor, do you have any other questions for this witness?”

Final Fantasy VII: Cloudia's Final Battle


Northern Mountain. The stage for the final confrontation between Cloud and Sephiroth. But what if instead of Cloud and Sephiroth, it was Cloudia and Sephirah?

Cloudia's Final Battle
Final Fantasy VII

By Shinieris

In the Name of Love - 12


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

A Sequel to The Roar of Love

The Greatest of These is Love

“If we commit ourselves to one person for life, this is not, as many people think, a rejection of freedom; rather, it demands the courage
to move into all the risks of freedom, and the risk of love which is permanent; into that love which is not possession but participation.”
Madeleine L'Engle

MAU: Can't Take The Sky From Me! Chapter -2-

Danny had spent his life confined to his 'wheels,' a wheelchair. All he had to look forward was wondering just when his body would finally give out for all that he was still a teen. However, his friend Griffin just might was going to change all of that. You see he had a plan!

Images 58


Chapter 58


“C’mon Jenna Let’s go and actually have some fun with our daughter before my buzz wears off and my meds wipe me out. I didn’t haul my butt out of the couch and into this get up for nothing okay.”
I give her a hard squeeze and take a deep breath and nod and wipe at my eyes. (Sniff.) “Yeah, I really want to do this.”
I go with her and Hunter and Angie’s joining us with Giselle after she got her into her little one piece and we start with the wading pools with the other little kids and she scream-squeals and she’s waddle running into the water and splashing and slapping the water with that bouncy thing she does with that. “Yeeee-he-he-he!”
I’m smiling and laughing because she’s such an amazing little spaz and she is having that Omigod freak-out where she’s just blown away by the coolness of being in a pool and is hitting brain overload.
And there is no way that that can’t make you smile and have that blow all the bad stuff away.
I look at Iggy and I hug her around the shoulder.
“Thanks, thanks for her and making me a mom.”

*And Now…

Struggles - Chapter 13

(Private Richard Bromely hasn’t escaped the issue that has always tormented him as much as he thought. Still at DLIWC, the Army language school in Monterey, he looks forward to graduation, getting married and being away from all the demons. Dodging his problem is harder than he thought.)

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 8

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 8

Chapter 8


He finishes his tea and he looks at me. “It is and scary to know just how much we’ve lost and how huge the world really is.”

I nod and take our cups. “Trust me I know the feeling of the world and all you know seeming so small Alaan. I’m still getting over the shock of it.”

I head back inside the alchemy tent to get back to work.

And I’m wiping tears from my face with the back of my hand.

*And Now…

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 4

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 4

Hal helps his sister and girlfriends with a needed extra date. Cami has not only done well, but she doesn't go away as planned. She is surprised by her like to be a girl, even more about Sal's attraction to her...

Season of Change - Chapter 20

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


A Friend in Need Part 7

A Friend in Need
Part 7 Christina's Rise

Life goes on for Christina and Tony, the story covers the after effect of the attempted rape, and Christina's way of dealing with it, I felt that this should be an introspective episode, if I was wrong to go this deep; I apologise, and hope you will forgive me.

Dedicated to Christina, my dear friend who taught me how to be a woman and left me her name.

The Revenant - Part 9 Shadows Fall

Shadows Fall

Part 9

Martine’s world becomes full of shadows

* * *

My name is Martine Edwards, NO! Marty Harrison! I’ve been shot and woken up in a strange new world. A mirror of my world but I’m a woman! What happened? Where is this? Am I dead like the reflection in the mirror said or is the Shadowman really my unconscious self trying to help me make sense? One thing is certain, to get home I have to find out why I was shot… Dig out the truth and wake up from this dream.

For My Princess: Part 15


Will Helene and Arabella be able to resolve their differences when Arabella returns, how will the rest of the hunt be for both of them. Will King Oswald and Queen Aster think Helene is a suitable match for their son and what will it mean for Arabella's future?




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