Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots

Two Pair

I ducked around the corner one step ahead of the heavy footfalls that chased after me. I didn’t think they saw where I went and I tried to calm my breathing as I slipped into the nondescript storefront to wait for them to run past. The anachronistic bell over the door rang as I opened and then closed the door behind me.

Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots

Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's ChallengeThanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration
SynopsisA pair of boots from Henry Harrelson’s — boots made to fit your feet and your personality which is what I need because I am male dancer in transition.
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